Labour in Detention

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A/N: How funny would it be to have all the teens in Saturday detention because of a stupid prank that went wrong? Imagine how much funnier it would be with a pregnant teen Alice going into labour? This is a concept I've imagined plenty of times and I've always wanted to include it into one of my stories but never got around to doing so, so I've decided to create another short story that I will add to my one shot series. It will be around two or three chapters, not a full length but I hope you'll all enjoy reading.


8 and a half months ago, Alice Smith had the entire world at her feet. Co Head Cheerleader of the Riverdale High Vixens along with her best friend Hermione Gomez, a stunning body and goddess like looks, an amazing incredibly handsome, quarterback slash Serpent boyfriend in FP Jones. Her life was damn near perfect.

However, all that came to a screeching halt by the mere introduction of two pink lines, forever changing the course of her life.

She still remembered the very moment she found out. Hermoine held her hand the whole agonising three minutes it took for the result to appear, and the gut wrenching feeling that hit her like a tonne of bricks was still felt deep within her.

"What am I gonna do?!" She gasped in distress, running her trembling hand over her face and into her hair before completely breaking down into the comfort of Hermione's arms.

Of course, it wasn't any easier having to tell FP shortly after. He had held her in his arms as she cried into his chest, holding her tight, caressing her back and promised her everything would be alright, and he'd be here for her not matter what she decided, understanding it was her completely her decision on what she did next.

"I'm scared." She croaked, her tears soaking his flannel check shirt as he bear hugged her ever so tenderly, resting his chin on top of her head.

"Me too baby, me too, but we'll get through this together, and whatever you decide, I'll back you 100%."

To the surprise and slight dismay of her Mother, and his Father, she had settled on keeping it, with FP offering his full unwavering support, promising to stick by her and the baby throughout it all. They were both determined to battle through this and prepare the right way.

And throughout the first trimester, he was. He comforted and nursed her through morning sickness and the dreaded symptoms that followed, massaged her aching back and feet daily, was always there to softly stroke her back and hold her hair from out of her face as she puked her guts out, got her required food that helped keep her cravings at bay whenever she asked, was right there by her side at every scan holding her hand tight, becoming filled with excitement every time he he saw their bundle of joy on the sonogram screen, he was present for everything significant offering his undying support all the way, until last month that is.

It seemed reality of becoming teen parents hit them a little too hard, FP more than Alice, and once the novelty wore off, FP began to drift away and become withdrawn from so much. He was partying nearly every weekend, staying out late, letting the guys on his Football team get to him with their childish locker room antics, displaying immaturity at every turn, seeming more frustrated than usual and it had begun to rub Alice the wrong way.

Unlike him, she didn't have the luxury of still living her ideal teen fantasy, cheerleading, engaging in her regular social activities and partying all the time; she had to give up and sacrifice much more than him in every capacity as she was the one actually carrying the baby, and his callous attitude and insensitivity to that had begun to rub her the wrong way, leading argument after argument, and fight after fight.

"You came home at 1am, totally wrecked! How are you not seeing the problem here?" She criticised in frustration.

"There is no damn problem! You're just creating one!" FP loudly spat as he aggressively removed his shoes. "Why do you even care?!"

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