Who Are You?

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I sat on a wood park bench just beside a calming willow tree, staring off into the distance waiting for him, but he never came. And that him is my shitty boyfriend, god why haven't I left him already. All he cares about is his reputation and girls. I stared at the geese in the distance between two children, screaming and running away. I space out, teleporting into my world of expectations.

3rd Person POV

"Can I sit here?"

"Hello?" A faint male voice was heard,  waking up a drained y/n.

"Oh um s-sorry go ahead." She patted next to her as a sign to sit. The tall male with black hair and mint eyes stared into her e/c eyes before sitting down and looking at his too-small-for-his-big-hands phone.

1st Person POV

I looked over at the mysterious man. I stared at his face for quite some time, taking in his breath taking features and his beautiful muscles GODDAMN. As I was being a creep, thinking of how good he would in bed, I noticed a scar on the corner of his lip, How did he get that? I wondered. I started to lean forward getting a better view of his face then he looked up from his phone and made eyecontact with ME. HOLY HELL HE IS SO HOT LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT.

I noticed how awkward this situation was and sat back feeling heat on my cheeks. I heard a low chuckle from him before he said, "Who are you?" he asked with a devilish grin.

To Be Continued...
Yeah so like first chapter hehehehe don't worry it will get better I know this is shit anyway I will probably update tomorrow but idk anyway goodnight :) new: I fixed this

The Snow - Toji Fushiguro x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now