Track Two

832 18 1

3:30 PM Monday, September 10th, 2019

Demetri and Eli stood outside the strip mall dojo. Demetri was dragged there by Eli because Miguel fighting off Kyler in the cafeteria at lunch made everyone want to learn karate.
Eli stuck to his boyfriends' side as there were a lot of people around them.
Miguel raised his eyebrow as his new girlfriend dropped him off at the dojo.

"Hey guys, is everyone here for karate lessons?" Miguel asked the two boys.

"I guess so," Demetri looked around.

"Hey Miguel," Aisha smiled coming up by him.

"Everyone follow me!" Miguel called getting everyone's attention. Everyone filed into the doors after Aisha and Miguel.

"How'd I let you talk me into this? This goes against everything I stand for." Demetri complained to Eli and Miguel.
"It's like extra gym class for no reason." He finished.

"Just give it a chance," Eli frowned looking at his hands and leaning into his boyfriend, "You saw the fight Miguel kicked ass."

"Okay, today we begin," Johnny spoke. No one heard him and continued goofing around and talking.
"Quiet!" Johnny yelled making everyone stop.
"Face the front," Johnny began walking around the class observing everyone.

"Nice shirt," he said to Demetri as he continued walking.

"Thanks," Demetri smiled.

"I'm joking it sucks," Johnny replied looking at Demetri.

"Word of advice if you got shitty teeth don't smile," Johnny rolled his eyes then looked at a short boy, "God made you look like a virgin just by looking at you," he said to him.
"I look around this dojo I don't see Cobra Kai material. I see losers, I see nerds the fat kid with the funny hat with his tits popping out." He walked back to the front, "But my short time as a sensei I've also seen some miracles." He looked over at Aisha and Miguel.
"So maybe there's some hope for you yet. First I need to see, everybody fall in!" Johnny yelled. Everyone stood there looking around at him confused. "That means line up."
"No not line up in a line," Johnny sighed, "Lines get in lines!"

"You mean like rows?" Demetri asked and Johnny ran his hand down his face.

"Yeah just...get in rows." Johnny sighed. Everyone got into where Johnny wanted them.

"Now fighting positions, like Miguel and Aisha." He pointed to where they were in a fighting stance. Everyone did and Johnny demonstrated how to do the punches. He walked around critiquing everyone.

"Now when I say go punch and go hai!" He walked through the rows.

"Hai!" Everyone punched forward to Johnny's command. He did it a few more times before walking to the front of the room. Johnny then took notice of Eli making eye contact with him, "Hey Lip!"
Eli looked up at him but quickly looked away at something else in the stale, dusty room.
"Yeah, you with the freaky lip."

"Excuse me, uh Mr. Lawerence-" Demetri began.

"Sensei Lawerence!" Aisha called at Demetri.

"Okay," Demetri put his arms up in defense, "You really shouldn't make fun of someone's physical appearance." Demetri nodded looking at Johnny.

"Oh is that so?" Johnny asked looking over at Demetri, "So I'm not supposed to mention his lip at all?" He pointed back at Eli. 

"Well yeah," Demetri said raising his eyebrows.

"Well, maybe that's what they teach you in school. But in the real world, you can't expect people to do what they're supposed to do." Demetri looked between Eli and Johnny looked.
"Right you here that lip?" Johnny directed his attention back to the shorter boy, "you can't handle someone making fun of you how're you gonna handle an elbow to the teeth."

"By calling the police..." Demetri spoke back up looking at Johnny and moving his arms as he spoke.

"Knock it off," Miguel said looking over at Demetri.

"What? He does realize the Nazis lost the war right?" Demetri pointed at Sensei Lawerence.
Eli was so embarrassed but he couldn't handle this. He just wished Demetri would stop.

3:45 PM Tuesday, September 11th, 2019

Eli stood in the dojo next to Miguel. He couldn't believe he came back to this place. He just wanted to fight off his bullies like Kyler.
Johnny came out of his office, "Okay everybody fall in." Johnny looked around confused, "Where is everyone? Crater Face? Nose ring? Slingshot?" Johnny asked.

"They quit sensei," Miguel sighed looking at Johnny.

"Are you serious?" Johnny huffed looking around.

"I mean good, that was a test. I wanted to see who the quitters are. Not you guys!" Johnny smiled looking at his new students.
"You're in it to win it, right? You could be home playing your computers, playing your video games, eating candy. Instead, you're here, doing push-ups, learning how to fight. Lip, look. even Lip's tougher than those guys!" Johnny pointed at Eli and he quickly brought his hand over his scar and looked down. "He's no quitter!"

"C-could you please not call me that?" Eli asked looking up slightly then let his eyes dart around the room.

"Excuse me what?" Johnny looked at him walking over to him.

"Could you please not call me that," Eli fidgeted slightly.

"Um, I'll warm them up sensei," Miguel offered glancing at Eli.

"No, no Lip has something he wants to say." Johnny waved off Miguel. Eli looked down as his eyes went soft. "Sorry speak up, Lip. Or is your tongue messed up too?" Johnny taunted him.
"Are you one of those challenged kids?" Johnny asked getting close to him.

"Um, the doctor said I'm on the spectrum," Eli said glancing up but letting his gaze wander elsewhere.

"I don't know what that is, but get off it pronto! All right?" Johnny said looking at Eli. "If you don't want me to call you Lip don't have a weird lip. Cant, you get surgery for that?" Johnny raised an eyebrow asking him.

"I was born with a cleft lip. This is the scar from the surgery." Eli spoke up a bit more.

"You mean it was worse before that? Or did the doctor just screw up? Because if this is the after photo, that sucks man, you should sue." Johnny said pointing at Eli.

"Can we just please change the topic," Eli's eyes began to gloss over as he couldn't handle this anymore.

"You don't think I want to? It's right in front of me. You want be something other than a nerd with a scar in his lip you gotta flip the script." Johnny kept going on at Eli and he kept getting more fidgety he just wanted to run away.  He shook his head and grabbed his backpack running outside and sat on the curb calling Demetri.

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