Chapter 1: Dream

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I startle awake, eyes darting around my closet-bedroom while I take in my surroundings. My heart rate is at an unnaturally fast pace, but I ignore it, closing my eyes as I attempt to regulate my breathing.

This dream has been haunting me for a while now. When it started, I can't exactly pinpoint, but it definitely affects me.

Swallowing, I curse at the sticky feeling in my underwear. I'm too old for this. It's embarrassing.

I walk to the bathroom and lock the door, peeling off my clothes stuck to me due to sweat and... other bodily fluids. I throw my dirty underwear in the sink and wash it haphazardly as the shower heats up.

A knock sounds at the door and I jump.

"Kookie, I need to go to the bathroom. Let me in," Jimin whines.

"Use Taehyung and Namjoon's bathroom. I'm busy."

He whines, but I don't let up.

"Fine. You're such a baby. We've been living together long enough. I should be able to take a piss as you shower." He grumbles before plodding off.

I place my hand to my chest as I look at myself in the mirror, feeling disgusted with myself. He's right. I should be able to let him in. But I can't.

The recurring dream leaves me shaken every time I have it. I have to stay away from Jimin every time I have it because of how real it is.

Images of Jimin crawling over to me in a bed wearing nothing but my t-shirt flash in my mind and I grip the sink as I feel ghost-like hands roam my body, empty whispers of the blond tickling my ear. I swallow as I clench my eyes closed.

"Kookie, touch me."

"No," I whisper brokenly.

"Nobody has to know. It can be our little secret."

"It's not right. If it got out, the group would be ruined."

"I love you."

My eyes open and I stare at my blushing face in the mirror. If Jimin knew I thought of him like this, he would most likely be disappointed in me, not because I like men, but because I'd complicate everything. So I keep my mouth shut.

Some things are better left in your dreams. 


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