Chapter 5

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If I come home and your ass isn't here or some bitches are in my house, you getting a whole ass whooping." I warned Byron. This nigga was 17 and still a bad ass kid.

"I'm not going anywhere." He rolled his eyes. This nigga gets on my nerves. I left the house and drove to the address Iva gave me. I had fucked up my first chance and thank God she gave me another chance. One of my clients wanted to make a few changes to their house and it was super last minute.

I waited outside of Iva's apartment as she got ready. I could tell she was trying to scare me away with her having a child but I didn't care. It didn't scare me. I raised Byron since he was 5. A nigga can raise children.

As I sat back, Iva sent me a text.

Iva💞: you can come up. I'm on the second floor

Me: coming

I think it's funny how she gives directions but not specific ones. I exited my car and locked it. Walking up the stairs, I took a lucky guess that her room was the first door on the right.

"Hey. I'm just doing her hair." Iva opened the door for me and let me in. She was reffering to her daughter who's hair was in an afro.

"That's cool. I'll wait."

"The things niggas do for sex." She mumbled but I still heard her. I shook my head to her response.

"Amina, this is Jovan. Say hi." Iva introduced us and Amina went behind her leg. "Don't be scared. It's mommy's friend." She picked her up.

"Hi Mina." I shook her hand gently.

"You're so bad with nicknames. It's Mini." Iva laughed. She put Mini's hair in two puffs and we left. I fixed Amina's car seat in the backseat and Iva was surprised.  It was like she was hoping I'd give ulp

"Y'all want ice cream?"

"Yes!!" Mini screamed from the backseat. I laughed, watching Iva telling her to be quiet. I drove up to the drive thru in Twistee Treat.

"Hi, how can I help you today?" The lady said through the speaker.

"Hi, can I please have a vanilla ice cream in a cone with sprinkles on it." I spoke up.

"What do you want, Mini?" Iva turned to look at her.

"Chocolate ice cream please." She said in her little voice and I repeated that to the lady. Iva got a oreo milkshake and tried to pay for her and Mini's food. This girl is so adamant about not trusting me. Or anyone.

"Thank you, Jovan." She mumbled.

"You're welcome, Iva." I drove out the drive thru and parked in a parking lot so we could eat.

"Mini, don't make a mess, okay?" Iva reminded Mini for the 100th time.

"If she makes a mess, it's fine." I shrugged, not wanting her to stress herself out.

"Just relax and eat your ice cream." She looked at me with a serious ass face and started to eat her ice cream. I admired her features as she ate. She was beautiful. She a had a small nose and a big ass forehead.

She's perfect. I thought to myself.

"Jovan?" Mini grabbed my attention.

"Yes ma'am?" I answered as I turned around to look at her.

"Can we go to Five Guys?" She kicked her legs back and forth as she waited for my response. I looked over to Iva for permission and she nodded her head slightly.

"To Five Guys we go!" I put the car in drive. I really liked Iva and Mini. Iva was beautiful and reserved. She didn't let anyone know her business. Mini was fulka of fun and joy. Her mother taught her well how to be polite and respectful.

"Mini, I don't want to share a burger with you so I'll get you a lemonade and some fries, okay?" Iva explained to Mini.

"Mommy, I'll eat the whole burger." Mini pleaded.

"Amina." Iva called out as Mini started crying. She sighed and ignored Mini as she cried.

"It's cool I'll share a burger with her." I compromised because I hate hearing children cry. It pierces my soul.

"No, she's just tired. She's gonna take one bite out of the burger and say she doesn't want it. Just get her some fries and a lemonade." She looked straight ahead. She looked like she could use a massage and a good nap.

"You got work tomorrow?" I asked curiously.

"I have work everyday but the weekends."

"Take tomorrow off." I stated and she looked at me crazy.

"And who's gonna pay the bills?" She scrunched her face, making me laugh.

"One day won't affect you. But, if it does I'll pay whatever you need." I made a solution to her made up problem.

"You must be rich."

"Where are you taking me, anyway?" She looked at me and I smirked.

"Somewhere." I shrugged.

"Okay, Mini has to come with us too." She looked up at me to catch my response.

"That's cool. Stop trying to scare me off with you having a child. That shit not gonna work." I drove up to Five Guys.

"Don't curse around my child." She gently hit my arm.

"Weren't you the one saying The things niggas do for sex?" I asked she laughed.

"You heard me?" She asked and I nodded. I got out the car and ordered our food.

I was going to take Iva to a garden with flowers all around us. I know she loves herself some flowers because she'll talk all day about what flower needs the most sunlight or some shit. Her wallpaper is a bunch of flowers and she wear a lot of clothes with flowers on them.

I knew she'd appreciate the nature.

Once they finally gave me back my order I came back to the car and shared everyone's food out. Mini was the first to finish her food and the first to fall asleep. Iva was right.

I drove her back to the apartments and we sat there for a while.

"I just don't wanna go back inside because my life is gonna go back to the way it was and this all feels like a heaven dream." She sighed.

"You think you're never gonna see me again?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'm coming to get you tomorrow." I reiterated.

"And what if you stand me up again?" She still didn't trust me.

"I said I promise no matter what, I'd never let you down again." I grabbed her hand softly and she gently pulled away.

"Don't be scared to have feelings, ma." I stared deep into her eyes.

"I'm not." She said and the car went quiet again. We sat there for another moment before I had to break the silence.

"Is her father still in her life?" I blurted out and she took a deep breath.

"Nah he died when I was giving birth. He was making his way to the hospital and got in a car accident. We were together since highschool and we were young. We wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. We weren't together at the moment because he cheated on me but he promised to be there for Amina and he wasn't. That's why I hate promises because no one can keep them. He let me down twice." She lowered her head.

"Keep your head up." I used my index finger to lift up her chin. "That's the most you've ever shared with me." She nodded slowly and we just stared at each other again. I leaned in, thinking she would lean in too but she pulled back.

"I don't why I'm here. You stood me up and that's a bitch move." She gathered her things and got ready to get out the car. She was still holding onto that.

"Stop throwing around the b word. You gotta let that go because it's not gonna happen again and I'm not gonna kiss you until you want to be kissed." I grabbed her wrist gently.

"Why are you not like other men? You're making it so hard for me to reject you." She rolled her eyes and I couldn't help but to crack up.

"Goodnight Iva." I sat back in my seat as she exited the car and helped Mini out the car.

That girl is special.

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