Chapter 34

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"We're both clean!" Iva danced around in my house. We both got our results back from getting tested for STD's.

"I knew we was, though. So, it don't even matter." She laughed and put the papers down on the kitchen counter.

I watched as her natural curls bounced as she played music from her speaker. She looked so beautiful and free in this moment.

"Okay, I gotta go get Mini from daycare and then I'm gonna talk to Vie and Delia. Be nice to Shania." She turned the music down and kissed me as she got ready to leave.

"Alright, baby. I love you, call me to let me know what's up." I pulled her in for another kiss.

"I will and I love you too." She smiled and left.


"How was daycare, Mini?" I picked her up in my arms.

"It was good, Mommy." She laid her head on my shoulder, telling me she was tired.

"What do you want for dinner, mama?" I asked her.

"Chicken and Mac." She spoke softly. I buckled her in her car seat and drove back to the apartment.

Jovan wanted me to talk Vie and Delia about taking care of Byron, Shania, and Mini for a week and a half. I didn't want to leave with everything going on but we did need to be alone for a little.

I wanted to make sure Shania was okay. She's been through a lot lately and I just don't want to leave if she needs me.

We set up Doctor appointments for Shania and were working on finding a family that will adopt her baby. She decided to give the baby up for adoption once it's born.

Byron has been helping a lot with Shania. That's really all he's been focused on other than school. He too this situation hard and wanted to do anything to help her.

Good news, though. Shania was also accepted into Stanford. They had great futures ahead. We decided to also put Shania in therapy. She has a lot to deal with and we all want to make sure she'll be okay.

As I came out the car, I took a sleeping Mini out the backseat.

"You're starting to get too heavy for Mommy." I spoke to myself as I held her in my arms.

I walked into my place and cod see a view of the kitchen.

It was an absolute mess. There was flour on the floor and on the counters.

"Iva-" Vie started, trying to hold in her laugh.

"I don't even want to know. I just need to talk to y'all real quick." I ignored whatever was going on.

"Okay, what's up?" Vie and Delia sat down and Byron just stood in the mess.

"Um, if Jovan and I go on a vacation for a week and a half, will y'all be okay? Shania, Byron, and Amina would have to stay here, though."

"I mean, I don't mind. Byron and Shania are grown. I can handle Mini." Vie shrugged.

"Yeah, they're grown but they can't be doing random shit while we're gone. Shania needs to be taking care of male sure she's eating. Mini needs to be watched because she's mischievous." I explained further and they all nodded their heads.

"We can do it. Y'all need to go on a vacation anyway." Delia told me.

"I just want y'all to be good and I don't leave y'all in a complete mess. Like right now." I explained, pointing the flour on the floor.

"Iva, we'll be okay for a week. I got those Aunty Skills." Vie boasted.

"Yeah right." I playfully rolled my eyes. "You sure, though? Because if something happens with any of these children one of y'all catching these hands" I pointed from Byron to Amina fake sleeping on the couch.

"I can stay if y'all can't handle-"

At this point, I was really just making up excuses for myself. Vie has babysat Mini many times so I should be relaxed. I just don't want anything to go wrong.

"We'll be fine. Go pack and talk to your hubby." Byron chimed in and I laughed.

"Okay, but I'm still going to make a list of all the shit that needs to be taken care of. And clean up this damn kitchen." I spoke before I went to my room.

I facetimed Jovan and he answered on the second ring.

"Hey, Love." I smiled into the camera. I watched as he was eating something in the camera.

"Wassup, Baby." He watched as I propped up my phone to show him my suitcase.

"Vie and Delia agreed to watch the children. Even though most of them are not children."

"Okay, we're going to leave tomorrow morning. 5am to be exact." He informed me.

"You bought the tickets already?" I knitted my eyebrows in confusion.

"Yeah, I knew they were gonna say yes." He shrugged and I laughed.

"What would've happened if they said no?"

"They didn't, though. So, we're good." He smiled.

"Crazy, I'm gonna pack a bunch of bikinis and shorts. I can't wait." I smiled excitedly.

"Okay, make sure you pack the red lingerie." He smirked and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Nigga, I don't have a red lingerie." I scrunched my face up.

"Check your top drawer." He told me and I rolled my eyes at his antics. I looked in the back of the drawer to see a bright red lingerie.

"Wow. It see-through." I smirked as I held it out. It was exactly my size. "Yeah, this gonna be sexy."

"I can't wait to see it." He spoke lowly. "I got a question, though."

"Hmm?" I looked up into the camera.

"You like wrapped or unwrapped?" He spoke seriously.

"Unwrapped." I looked back up into the camera and weade eye contact.

"Aight." He smiled to himself.

"Also, when you come over to pick me up, make sure you drop Shania off over here. Don't leave her at your house." I reminded.

"Okay, I ain't forget."


A/N- Heyy peoples, I wanted to ask you guys how you're liking the story so far. Thoughts?

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