Finders Keepers

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Previously on The Legend Of The Big Tum Tum~

Sofia: Let's go!

Yoder: *evil laughter*

It was evening in Numberland, as 12 was talking to 18 about how she couldn't concentrate because of the strange call.

18: Don't let that slow you down, sis! It might have only been a blank call.

12: No! There was a number! A number that belonged to someone! Seven said that it was an unknown number too! It does belong to somebody! Believe me, brother!

18: No way, sis! Don't worry too much! Just relax!

12: If Numberland gets in trouble because of this... You'll face your consequences, brother.

18: Uh... Heh.. okay. 😅

Nearby 13's house, (because he's unlucky) two people appeared out of nowhere as if they teleported from somewhere.

Sofia: I never doubted this teleporter!

Yoder: Me neither! I'm impressed in Professor Zach!

Sofia: Hey, look! It's a house!

Yoder: First time lucky!

They both go to 13's house and knock the door. No answer. They knock again. Still no answer. They went to Twelve's house, Eleven's house and Ten's house.

Sofia: Why isn't anyone answering?! They never learnt their manners!

Yoder: Maybe they aren't at home. Maybe they went somewhere. But, look! That house's lights are on! There must be someone in there!

Sofia: Okay, let's go!

They knock on Nine's house door, and surely, Nine opens the door to his surprise.

9: Oh. Hello visitors! Uh... How may I help you?

Yoder: Alright, mate. Be fair and square with us. Where are all of your friends?

9: My friends? They're everywhere! They're not all in the same place!


9: Woah! Keep your calm, lady! What do you want from my friends?

Yoder: Just tell us where they are!

Sofia: *takes out a rifle* Now!

9: Wh-what?! No! I'm not telling you where they are!

Yoder: Then we'll have to take you instead.

9: Huh?!

They taped Nine's mouth and covered his eyes and tied him with a rope and started pulling him to a hidden area. They tied him to a chair and removed his eye cover.

9: *muffled noises*

Yoder: We told you to tell us where they are. You didn't listen. You're gonna stay here!

9: 😒

26 was just passing by the area, and he nearly tripped on a stone button.

26: When did that get here? Woah.. I never saw that hideout before! Who does it belong to?

26 stood near the door and heard Sofia and Yoder talking.

26: Two hunters? They caught Nine?!

Sofia: Do you hear that, друг?

Yoder: I did hear that! Let's see who it is.

26: Uh-oh.

26 was about to run away, but Sofia had caught him. She took him inside the hideout and tied him to a chair and removed his sunglasses.

26: Woah! Hey! I don't mean any harm!

Sofia: Why were you spying on us?

26: I was only passing by!

Yoder: Passing by?

26: Passing by! Let me go!

Sofia: Listen, young man! If you don't tell us where your friends are, he's dying!

9: *muffled shouting*

26: Why do you want to know-

Sofia: *pulls trigger*

26: No! Don't kill him!

Yoder: Are you gonna tell us?

26: I... I... Will tell you..

9: *muffled disagreement*

26: I'll take you to them.

Sofia: Hey, Yoder.

Yoder: Yeah?

Sofia: *whispers to Yoder*

Yoder: Awesome!

Sofia: *to 26* If you don't want us to kill your friend, you'll have to help us in catching all of your friends!

26: Wh-what?! Why do you want to catch them?!

Yoder: We come from earth, alright? And we need to pass our exams! For that, we need to run some science tests on the rarest creatures. That's why we need your friends!

26: A-are you g-going to k-kill them?

Sofia: *chuckles* No! Of course, not! We just need a part of them to run science tests on. So, you better help us, or you're BOTH dying!

26: No! Okay! I'll help you! I promise!

Yoder: Pinky promise?

26: What's a pinky?

Sofia: 🤦🏻‍♀️

Yoder: It's this little finger. You seriously don't know that?

26: Uh... I don't have fingers?

Both: 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏽‍♂️

Yoder unties the rope from 26's chair and gives him back his sunglasses.

26: Stay here, Nine. Or else, you will face your consequences.

9: *gulp*

Meanwhile, at the other Numberblocks.
12 was going crazy, trying to tell the others about the hunters with 9, while the others tried to calm her down.

12: You all gotta believe me! I know what I saw! They want to kill us!

14: Calm down, dudette! Nothing will happen!


1: What's going on, here?

12: One! Please call a meeting! It's an emergency!

1: Okay!

1 calls the meeting as all the Numberblocks gather around.

1: Hello, all Numberblocks! Twelve here, has something very important to tell us!

12: After a call with me and Seven, two hunters found a way to get to Numberland without portals. Australian Hunter Yoder Allen, and Russian Huntress Sofia Grier. They want to finish us up for running some science tests. They can come here at any time and we have to keep an eye out, just in case! They caught Nine and they're looking for us too!

1: Twelve? Don't you feel anyone is missing?

12: I do. I heard the two hunters talking to a Numberblock, but I couldn't make out who it was. One of our friends are working with them. A certain Numberblock... Is Against Us.

All: *gasp*

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Will they find out who is working with the two hunters?

How will they all react to it?

Find out in the next chapter!

🖐🏻High Five!⭐

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