Successes And Failures

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9, 12 and 18 reach the place where they were earlier and find all the Numberblocks scared out of their lives, all cuddling each other, scared of getting killed by the hunters.

9: HEY YOU!!

Yoder: What?!

9: YES, YOU!! HAHA!!

Sofia: How?!

9: I don't know. Bet you can't catch me!!

Yoder starts running after Nine. Sofia just glares at everyone as they all stare back awkwardly.

12: What? Too scared to react?

Sofia: Watch your words, miss rectangle.

12: Yeah, I'm pretty sure I am.

21 slowly steps towards 12 and 18.

21: Hey, um.. quick question. May I?

18: Go ahead.

21: Is Fifteen okay?

12: Well.. You can say so.

21: What happened?!

18: Calm down, she's okay. She just said that she needs some time alone.

21: Are you sure she's okayyyyyy?

12: No-

21: Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please!!

18: Fine. You can go. Just watch out for Yoder.

21: Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!

12: You really didn't have to say it 21 times.

21: •ω•

12: Oh wow. Not you too.

18: Hehehe. •ω•

21 zooms off.
Meanwhile, at Yoder and Nine..
Nine got cornered by Yoder and unfortunately had no escape.

Yoder: I can't catch you, aye?

9: Uh.. Heheh.. Good game?

Yoder: Tell me your plan.

9: Uh.. we don't really have one..

Yoder: HAHAHA! No Plan?! Ha! I wondered why you didn't have a brain!

9: Hey!

Yoder targeted for 9 and released. 9 closed his eyes, knowing what will happen next. But before the arrow could touch him by 1 millimeter, something blocked it. Not something.. but someone.
Nine opened his eyes to see a step shape figure standing infront of him, blocking the arrow from ending his life.
It was 15. He knew she would be there for anyone at any time.
15 fell to the ground, crying in pain.
Nine hurriedly knelt down near her to make sure she's not very seriously hurt.


Yoder: Hahaha! Whatever! She deserved it more than you did anyways!


Yoder: Okay, I'm outta here. Hahaha!

Yoder went to Sofia, or at least he thought he did.
He found Sofia on the floor, unconscious, with 26 pinning her to the ground.


26: Okay, if you say so.

26 gets up and Yoder kneels down near Sofia.

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