Safer At Home

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21: Are you okay, Twe-

9: Leave him alone, Twenty-One.

21: 😕

9: So... What do you think we should do?

21: It's either you or him.

9: UHHHHHHH... No no no... Let him do it...

21: Hm... Stay here.

They hear another whine from 26.
21 goes to 26 and sits beside him.

21: Are you okay, Twenty-Six?

26: *sniffs* No!

26's voice was cracking, he could barely speak properly.

26: W-whenever I try to h-help or say s-something... Nine j-just shuts m-me up... I-I didn't do a-anything wrong.. did I?

21: Oh dear... Well, you actually did do many things... And there's a reason why it's specifically Nine who's mad at you.

26: W-why?

21: Well, when the hunters were here, they bought you in case of keeping Nine from dying or getting killed, and after Eighteen knocked you out, it looks like you forgot everything that happened before.. And you're probably the reason why Fifteen is in this situation...

26: Wh-what did I do to get this?

21: You said you'd stay back, but instead, you left her and came to the others to kill Sofia.

26: I... I did... D-does that make me a b-bad friend?

21: We can't tell, Twenty-Six...

26: H-how can I make up f-for this m-mistake?

21: Help us by doing what we tell you.

26: But Nine doesn't-

21: Who cares about what Nine says? It's about you, Twenty-Six! You're the only one who can rescue my child!

26: O-okay... I'll try...

21: No. Don't try it. Do it. I believe in you, Twenty-Six.

26: Thank you, Twenty-One. *hugs 21*

21: Y-you're welcome. 😳

21 and 26 go back to where 9 is.
21 nods at 26, as 26 goes to 15, and starts the process.
9 just gave 21 a blank stare and glare.

9: What have you done?

21: I got him out of his comfort zone.

9: Really? *raises his eyebrow*

21: It's not as if you could do better, anyways.

9: And I took that VERY personally.

21: Does it look like I care?

9: Can we not?

21: 🙄

After nearly an hour, Twenty-Six looked up at Twenty-One in a worried manner.

26: She's not getting up!

21: This has taken too long... She should be awake by now... Its supposed to take 30-45 minutes...

26: What if she's dead....?

21: NO NO NO!! We can't give up!! Even if this takes all day, she's gotta wake up!! 😢

9: Do what you need to do. I'm gonna go check on the others and help out whoever REALLY needs it.

21: You're not helping, Nine.

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