No Plan Is The Best Plan

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12 and 18 were trying to calm down during the 5 minute break. Sofia and Yoder got ready for the next round.

Sofia: Still need a break? Looks like you need an extra hour for preparing.

12: Shut up, russian lady!

Sofia: Watch your words, sassy block!

12: *gasp*

18: Don't you dare say that to my sis!

Sofia: Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, weird car boy.

18: *deep gasp*

12: Stop this non-sense! You're just saying those things to us so that we can be disturbed and you win on us during the Rap Battle!

26: Someone's starting to think now.

12: I never liked you, Twenty-Six.

26: I never hated you, Twelve. 😏

12: *deep breath* I just want to...

18: Calm down, sis. He's only making a distraction.

12: 😠

18: I remember one day someone told me, Just breath. It will be okay as long as we concentrate. Right?

12: You're right, brother. Thank you. Oh, and.. *whispers to 18*

18: Oh? Ohhhh.. We'll see to that later.

Yoder: *whispers to 26* She knows. You know what to do.

26: *nods*

18 drank a cup of water in 1 second and turned around to see 26 standing behind 12 who was ready to knock her out.
18 widened his eyes and sped towards their direction, intending to rescue his sister. Unfortunately, he was too fast and surprisingly, knocked 12 as well as 26 and himself out.
It was a few minutes of darkness until 18 popped up from his unconsciousness.
He found himself in a cage and 26 lying on the floor.
It was too dark to see anything else.
Although he did hear familiar voices.

9: Come on, Fifteen! Just get out! I opened the cage for you, what else do you need?

15: I said I'm not going.

9: If I get caught doing this, I'll be killed.

15: I know. That's why I don't want to get out.

9: Okay. You chose this for yourself. Don't get out of here. Just bear the pain.

As soon as 9 was about to get out of the shed, 26 got up and held eye contact with him. Both of them looked terrified from each other. 18 buried his face in his hands, as he didn't want to see what would happen next.

26: Wh-what are you doing here? What am I doing here?

9: Don't hurt me! Please! I-I just wanted to.. um..

26: H-hurt you? Why would I?

9: Because you're on their side..

26: Who's side?

9: Yoder a-and Sofia..

26: Have I heard those names before?

26 and 9 look around for some source of light. Suddenly, 9 bumps into 18's cage.

18: Don'ttouchmepleaseleavemealoneIdidn'tdoanythingIpromiseI'lldoanythingforyoujustgoaway!

9: Eighteen?!

18: N-nine?

9: What happened? And why are you here?

18: I don't know. Twenty-Six was just gonna knock out Twelve for some reason, and I tried to save her, but I knocked the three of us out and the next thing I knew, we're all here. Wait a millisecond. Where's Twelve?

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