Chapter 23: Maybe he's gonna murder me

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Had the garden been on the left, or the right? I spun, then headed to my left. I ran along the pool, then through the door at the end. The hedge concealing the pool was straight ahead. I sighed, then looked around. My wet things were still on the floor. Hopefully he hadn't seen my face. Just my clothes would be memorable. 

I pulled the orange tunic over my head and folded it hastily, sticking it back in its place. Then I grabbed a different one and pulled it over my head, just as the door opened behind me. I yelped and yanked the tunic all the way down.

The door slammed.

I turned around slowly, but the room was empty.

"Hello?" I yelled.

"I'm sorry!" Somebody yelled from the other side of the door.

If my heart hadn't been trying to pound its way out of my chest I probably would have laughed.

"One second!" I hoped my voice didn't sound as suspicious as I thought it did. I grabbed a sash and went over to the door and opened it.

Raon stood there, leaning against the wall. His face seemed pale. "Um. I'm sorry, I didn't think you were still down here."

I tried to smile. "You asked me to wait, so..."

His eyes narrowed slightly, but he cleared his throat and folded his arms. "Do you like it here?"

I eyed him. "I've hardly seen any-"

"Do you want to leave?" He said in a rush.

I frowned. "And go where?"

"My house. It's out of the city, away from all my family." He smiled, a little uncertainty in his face.

"We just got here yesterday..."

He looked away for a moment, then locked eyes with me. "I think it would be best if we leave. My father and brothers aren't exactly in the mood for me to be around."

I pushed back a wave of panic. Something in the conversation with the king had completely changed Raon. He had been happy to be back that morning. If I confronted him about it, I had no idea what might happen. I turned around. "If you'd like. Can you tie this?" I held the sash at my waist.

He took the ends and wound them together. "You're frightened." He said softly.

I shivered as his hands brushed against my back. "Why do you say that?"

He put a hand on my shoulder and turned me around. "You're frightened, and confused. What's wrong?"

My lungs cramped, and I stared up at him, my eyes wide. I was in a strange place, surrounded by strangers, and now I wasn't so sure I even knew Raon. My tongue seemed to stick to the roof of my mouth.

His brow furrowed, then he pulled me close. I froze, confused. He was still for a moment, then his arms tightened suddenly.

"You're safe with me, you know that, right?" he said softly.

I tried to nod. Had he seen me? Was this some game he was playing? My spine crawled. If the Wild Elves were planning something...

"We should leave. It's quiet in the jungle. Nobody will be able to find us." He spoke quietly, almost to himself. Then he pulled back. "If you go up the stairs in the courtyard, three levels, then turn right, my room is right there. Wait there, and I'll come find you." His face was urgent. "Please?"

I swallowed, then nodded. He turned, then left.

Why were we running? I opened the door, and made sure the courtyard was empty before I raced up the stairs. On the third level, I turned right, and went through the ornate double doors. Here was the familiar room. The balcony, couch, bundle of clothes.

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