Not to plan

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It's the next day and just as I thought he continued his routine as usual. He waited 20 mins after everyone left before he showered like he usually did and Everything was right on schedule.
I wait outside the locker room and wait.
I hear Bakugos locker open.
I turns the corner and Bakugos right there, just as planned.
But there's something I should have expected, but fortunately I didn't cause Bakugo was at his locker with only a towel loosely hanging at his waist.
I frozen, and holy shit.
I stood there, my brain so jumbled I couldn't think straight(in more ways than 1)

The plan that I had spent weeks planning and carefully calculated had ended with me being a sizzling, blushing mess.

Bakugo snapped his head towards me so fast it's a wonder that his neck didn't snap. I looked down to try to hide that I was a blushing mess. Bakugo was holding a handful of the tiny towel rapped around his waist. The only thing covering him. I briefly remember the soul mark and look up just enough to see his forearm. Which, to my displeasure, was turned the other way. Perfectly hiding his mark.

Bakugo stood there, shocked.

Then it happened.

The towel that had previously been held up was on the floor.

Neither of us moved for a solid minute before Bakugo came to his senses and disrupted the silence.

I started mumbling and blabbering incoherently. "oh no, no no no no, this wasn't part of the plan. THIS wasn't supposed to happen. No no no no."
It took all my strength not to look down and in all the mess and confusion I forgot why I was here.

I opened his mouth.

And I spoke.

"U-um, y-y-your towel." I look down slowly, processing what he had said. Confused as to why those words were so familiar but my thought train was cut short when I realised I was completely naked.
I quickly picked up my towel and covered up but as I was wrapping the towel around my waist I glanced at my soul mark and, finally, remembered why those words felt so familiar. Those were the same words I had gazed at every spare moment I could.

By the time I had gotten a grip on my thoughts and looked up the greenette was gone.
I spent the rest of the night thinking and swearing at myself. Those were the words I'd wanted to hear since I was a kid.
It didn't play out at all how I'd  imagined it all these years.
The shithead had never said a word to me. That was definitely the first thing he had ever said to me.


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