Their begining

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While Katsuki was overjoyed about finally finding his soulmate Izuku was flipping out in a slightly different way. 'How could I be so stupid! Not only did my plan fail and not get his soulmark but on top of that I spoke to him! Stupid stupid stupid stupid. Maybe there's still hope. I might be able to transfer somewhere really really far away where we'll never cross paths again. There are plenty of other hero schools. Maybe if I act like nothing happened he'll think it was his imagination. Yeah, that'll work. Just play it cool.'

The next morning Izuku got ready and went to school the same as always. He would go through the day like nothing happened. On the inside Izuku was a complete mess but he had to pretend a lot for his mum so it came easy to him. As Bakugo entered the classroom he immediately looks around for Izuku, finding him in the bake of the room talking with his squad. He looked over a that moment and they're eyes met. 'No no no no no, I can't do this today. ' Izuku had told himself that he would act normal but it was stupid to think that. His instincts kicked in and he ran. He ran full speed till he reached the bathrooms. 'At least here I can lock the doors' as soon as he reached the bathroom he headed for the end stall and triple checked the lock wasn't faulty.
Not even a minute later he heard the door open 'Izuku? Are u in here?' He stayed deadly quiet. After a bit of silence he heard the door close and footsteps getting closer. "Where did he go?" He sounded defeated and it make Izuku's heart hurt "after all these years I finally found my soulmate but apparently he's not as thrilled
If he was happy about it then he wouldn't have ran away like that."
Bakugo paused for a bit until realisation struck. "How long has he known? When did I first talk to him? I don't remember saying anything to him in middle school. Oh shit. Please tell me it wasn't when I yelled at him, I can't remember any other time before then that I spoke to him. Shit, what if his soulmark has been something like that all these years. No wonder he ran away, he must think I'm an asshole." He started freaking out and hyperventilating and Izuku couldn't help it, he opened the door.


I opened the door to see kacchan on the floor with his hands in his hair. I ran up to him as embraced him in a hug. He bolted up right at the contact. I pull him back into a hug and he melts into it.

After a while he pulls away " you heard all that?" He sounds embarrassed. "U-um yeah sorry." " so, was I right?" I think back to what he had said. "So far I don't think you have a very good personality....but, I don't hate you." He looks up at me with hopeful eyes. "So...soulmates?"
I thought about it for a bit. "I guess so, but I don't think I can commit to anything without at least being friends. I like to know someone before making that decision.

Time skip

They hang out for a few weeks and the more time they spent together the farther they fell for each other.

Time skip

It's been 2 months and by now Katsuki knew he had found his forever partner. He knew this was who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He knew what he wanted and was determined to get it.
And so
He'll ask him out again.

The only question Bakugo had on his mind was how. What the most perfect way to ask out the man of his dreams. How do you ask your soulmate to be your boyfriend. There's a lot of pressure on the perfect date.

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