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I swallowed hard. "Mew?"

My eyes shot open and my mouth went agape as I stared at Kao in disbelief at what he had just said. "W-what does h-he want?"

"To see you, of course."
I took a sharp intake of breath. "No. I don't... don't want to see him."
"I already told him you're here."
"Oh no!" I exclaimed.
"Sorry. But there's no way I'm going back without you!"
"Tell him I'm busy."
"With what?"
I exasperated. "I don't know. Come up with something"
"Okay, how about I tell him you're feeding Alex?"
"Yes, yes. Tell him that."
"Alright. I'll be back soon." He said before walking out.

For several minutes, I waited anxiously for a knock on the door. At the sound of Kao's voice, I reluctantly bade him enter.

"Gulf, Mew is dying to see his child." He informed me.

I huffed lightly. Mew then walked in, a tear falling as he saw the strong, healthy child asleep on the bed.

"Please excuse me." Kao said before leaving me alone with Mew.

He continued to cry as he stared at his son. "He's so handsome. He has your lips, Gulf."
"I know." I smoldered and looked away.

He must have sensed some reproach in that, but took no offense. He then walked closer and knelt before me.

"I'm so sorry, Gulf. I was stupid for not believing he was my son. Please forgive me."

I broke down entirely. Small tiny crystal beads creeped out of my eyes, one after another. Soon it turned into a flowing stream of sorrow that ran down my face and dripped from my chin into my shirt. Although I cried, I couldn't accept his apology.

"No." I breathed. "Too much has passed between us... Too many ugly words and actions. I can't forgive you."
"Let's forget our mutual errors and begin again. I love you, Gulf."
"Remember the last vile thing you said to me?" I asked.

My pain had probably shown in my face and my tears but I didnt speak of it.

"What can I do to achieve your forgiveness?" Mew calmly asked. "I'm willing to do anything!"

"There's nothing you can do." I snifed.
"You rejected your son a couple of weeks ago. Why the sudden change?"
Looking away from me, he replied. "It's not important"
"Well it is to me."
"Sam came to see me... she gave me Alex's toothbrush and told me to have a paternity test if I didn't believe you... so I did"
"Hence your acceptance of him now." I shook my head in disbelief. "Thanks very much to the paternity test. I'm guessing Mark had to convince you into taking the test."

Mew remained quiet.

"Oh my goodness..." I whimpered. "I'm right."
He reached out to me. "Gulf, I'm begging you-"
"Please don't touch me, Mew." I cried and took a step back. "You believed everyone else's word. But not mine."

"There was a time you didn't believe me too- but that's not important now. I know I messed up-"
"Listen to me... you... you go away. I never want to see you again, Mew. I dont want a man like you."

He reluctantiy stood up and left, closing the door behind him. Alex immediately woke up and started crying, as if he was aware his parents were fighting. I quickly wiped my tears and rushed to his side.

"Shh.. dont cry, my love. Mummy is here."


"Yell at me all you want, Gulf. But I don't regret giving him Alex's toothbrush."
"No, I'm not mad at you... not anymore. Its Mew I'm mad at." I snapped. "He was convinced after he saw the results of the paternity test. I told him Alex was his and that he's the only man I'd ever been with but he didn't believe."

"Hey, calm down. You're going to wake Alex. If you ask me I think this is partly your fault."

"I can't calm down... he didn t even apologize for calling me a... a... tramp! Wait, what do you mean by it's partly my fault? What did I do?"
"Oh Gulf! How many times must we go through this?" She sighed. "You also didn't believe him when he told you Puifai lied about everything. You called him despicable and the worst of all men. Then you left without informing him about his son."

"But that's different." I mumbled.
"Oh really? How? Tell me?"
"Well... I... ugh okay fine. We both hurt each other"
"Exactly. I think you might be exaggerating a little if you ask me."

"I'm not! Look..." I inhaled deeply. "I could see that Mew still doubts me deep down. He doesn't believe that he's the only man I've ever been with."

"To be honest... if I were Mew, I'd also have my doubts.. not about Alex being my son, of course."

"How could you say that Sam? You know-"
"Yes yes we have known each other for a very long time. I know you're impulsive, stubborn, insufferable..."

"Hey" I muttered.
"... but I also know you would never hurt anyone. I know you're angry at the way he humiliated you. But Gulf, you're a mother and you have to do what is best for you and your son... or you will live to regret it. My opinion, what's best for your son is getting back together with his father."

"I love him." I said softly. "But I can't forgive him."
Sammy groaned. "It's super easy! You love each other. You just need to talk to him and tell him how you feel. Kiss each other. Go to bed together... Enjoy"

I stared wide eyed at her. After a couple of minutes of pure silence, I finally relaxed back into my nonchalant facial expression and my eyes retired back into their sockets once more.

"I don't know, Sam..."
"Oh come on, Gulf!" She scoffed.
"Between you two I really don't know who is more hopeless... You can't be that stupid."

I cocked my head to the side and sent a small glare in her direction.

She continued. "Look, if you want him to trust you completely you have to trust him first."
"How?" I mouthed.
"Forgive him. It's not that difficult. Anyway, I've got to get going. I'm meeting Mark for lunch." She said before making her way out.
"You're right. I'll give him a call tomorrow. Thank you"
"You're welcome, Gulf. You owe me."
she winked and closed the door behind her.

My lips pulled back and a grin widened across my cheeks.


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