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I finally arrived at the address given to me by Puifai. I couldn't believe that was where she held my son hostage. You could say it was an abandoned, brooding and neglected house. The garden was overgrown; sickly green weeds were creeping over the path and the small garden pond was covered in slime. A small popping sound came from the pond, as if something was somehow still alive in there. The light of the setting sun was reflected in the grimy windows and the house seemed to be studying me through the bloodshot eyes of an evil old man. The paint was weathered and peeling off in spots, and the slats in the shutters on the downstairs windows were mostly broken out. A slight breeze made the shutters tap against the hose and the hinges squeaked. I could see inside the front door into the house which was littered with debris and past that a broke banister beside a stairway that led upstairs. I could hear a low moaning sounds. I visibly jumped at first, then, froze as my mind searched through logical explanations for the noise.

Perhaps it's nothing more than the wind blowing down the lopsided chimney.

I then proceeded to step onto the front porch which also let out loud moans. Cob webs hung around the porch, making me sick in fear. I watched as a fly flew into a spider's trap and as the spider slowly devoured it.
The door stood tll with one knocker. There was no window on the door, only an eye hole so the person inside could see out. A part of me deeply regretted not telling Mew about Puifai kidnapping our son.

"Hello?" I stuttered as I gently pushed the door open. Shadows seemed to swirl around my feet, sucking me in as I walked further inside. In a burst of panic, I fumbled for a light switch. I flipped it up and down frantically, but the room remained immersed in somewhat darkness. Fear settled in.

Deep down I knew I was not alone. Someone... Or something brushed my back. I turned, but there was nothing. Nothing I could see, that is. Outside I  heard the winter wind howling and it almost sounded like laughter to my panicked mind. A low chuckle broke my thought process, directly in front me. I quickly turned on my phone's flashlight.

"Puifai?" I called out then paled as I took in the scene in front of me.

Her skin looked wrinkly and white. Her eyes blood shot and covered by her blond hair that stuck to her head like a giant fuzz ball. She was like a bag of bones and her black, ripped clothing hung off her.

"Surprise." She grinned, evilly.

I gasped in utter shock.

What happened to you, Puifai?

When she spoke, it revealed her yellow teeth and let her smelly breath escaped like a cloud of smoke. on her wrinkly fingers, her finger nails were long and muddy.

"Where is he?"
"Turn off your cell" she demanded.
I did as I was told before asking again.
"Puifai... Where is he?"
"I'm sorry, where is who?"
"Where are you hiding my son?"
"What are you talking about?" She closed her eyes and sneered balefully. "I don't have your son."
"I did as you instructed. I came alone. Now quit playing games with me and just tell me where Alex is!"

"You really are gullible, Gulf." She sighed impatiently. "The receptionist you spoke to happened to be my assistant from my modeling days. She's the only person who is still loyal to me. Well, she and the guard who helped you leave the house. My assistant lied to you. Alex was running late because the bus broke down along the way. That's all. Mr. Matthews isn't on leave and I never had your son. You see Gulf, the plan was to make you think I had Alex, so you would come here and 'rescue' him. Your son is home... safe and sound."

I looked around, my eyes darting back and forth very fast. My body posture shifted, as if I were shrinking.

"Hm. You look tense." Puifai pouted.

I ignored her and kept looking around with suspicion. "I don't believe you" I mumbled while crisping my hands.

"Oh I know. I can see doubt in your eyes. Now, I would let you call to confirm what I just said. But... there's no service here" Her eyes lit, and her lips curved in malicious pleasure. "Besides we can't have Mew tracking your cell now, can we?

This was your plan all along? So you could get me alone with you?"

"Yes. But it took so fucking long! I stayed here all these months... plotting my revenge. Thanks to you I can't leave this wretched place because there are wanted posters of me everywhere."

"You brought this on yourself, Puifai."

"No, don't you dare. You ruined everything; my reputation, my marriage...EVERYTHING!" Puifai said as she reached out for a knife on a nearby table and examined the blade with some ardour. "And only with your life will you pay, Gulf."

"Puifai..." I swallowed and took a couple of steps backwards.

"Only with your life, Gulf." She repeated as she strode towards me

My throat became so dry that I couldn't reply. Her eyes were cold, a void of no emotion. I felt as if her stare was turning my blood to ice. I felt she was going to pounce at any moment to end me. I begun to run towards the exit. I tried to open the door but it didn't budge.

"No!" I screamed until my voice was hoarse. Then I cried and just let fear overcome me.

"Nice try. I locked it right after you entered." She walked closer and breathed down my neck. "It's just you and me, Gulf."

My body shook.
I lost control.
My hands balled into fists at my sides. She was going to kill me and I couldn't stop it.

I quickly turned to face her. "Please..."

She opened her eyes and gave me a death stare. Her face was glazed for a split-second and then she frowned. Her lips pursed together and her eyes unblinking, at that moment. If her eyes were a weapon, the piercing look in them could have caused serious destruction.

She was a lioness.
I just went in her territory and...
She was about to attack.

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