Crystal Meth and Rose Petals (Henroin xOC!)

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This was requested by  @Melody_Amaranth. Thank you again! I hope you like it! I deadass shot up when I woke up this morning just to finish it, so I hope my grogginess doesn't affect the work. Trigger warning for violence, drugs, and swearing. 

Part One

Absentia's Pov

I lifted my head to look in the direction of the door slamming behind Vox as he stormed in. He had obviously had a less than pleasant day at work which had caused him to come home in a rage. He stomped passed me, causing the paperwork I was working on to flutter around me. I tried to grab a few pieces of paper as a groan left my lips. I had been working on sealing the deal that Henroin and I had both scored to transport some cocaine, ecstasy, and a bit of LSD.  It was stressful and the idea of Vox possibly beating me did not help. I ran one of my hands through my long scarlet hair and glared daggers at Vox's back, his hands clenched in fists. He stomped into the room we shared and slammed the door, most likely to throw a tantrum like the five-year-old he acted like. I looked away from the door and fixed the pile of paper before me. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, the grogginess of sleep added unwanted weight to my lids. I looked back at my stack of work as I rolled back my shoulders. I continued filling out the forms, writing my signature, and so on as I heard a growl behind me. My shoulders dropped as my electric blue eyes turned to a yellow, showing him my slight tint of fear. I took a breath of air, attempting to calm my slightly increased heart rate, and turned to look him in the eyes. My hound, Night Terror, growled at my feet, perking up at the sign of a threat. Vox's TV screen face was a bit more ridden with static as his cardinal red eyes sparkled in a menacing manner.  "Yes?" I asked, striving to look calmer than I was. His features were drawn up in a snarl as he stared me down. "What are you doing?" Vox hissed. Night Terror began snarling louder and louder as the tension in the room continued to build. Vox usually took out his frustrations on me so I was used to this, it still hurt every single time though. My business partner, Henroin, would always notice the marks on my arms and my face, not to mention my pride, no matter how hard I tried to hide it. Whenever Vox had beat me, Henroin would take me in, not question the dark secret I had kept from him. He had become my feeling of security, causing me to fall for him. The way he would gently care for each wound and make me smile made my heart flutter every single time. Vox snapped his fingers at me, breaking me from my trace. " I asked a question, Tia. Now answer me." Vox ordered. " Nothing." I muttered, " Just some paperwork.".  I managed, looking away from his piercing eyes. Knowing him, is he learning that there would be any amount of profit from it, I attempted to slowly move it from his sight and grab it with my hands behind my back. Vox leaned to the side, his seven-foot body towering over mine. I stared at him as my hands froze, the familiar glint in his eye beginning to shine again. Night Terror whimpered softly, for he had also felt Vox's wrath. My chest rose and fell quickly as fear began to consume my senses. His hand came flying across my face as I yelped, holding my cheek in pain. " Stop hiding things from me! I'm superior to you, I have the right to everything you do, you bitch!" he began yelling, now more focused on me than the paperwork. If I was lucky, his mind would completely void the paperwork through him beating me. 

Time skip brought to you by Henroin looking  ✨mighty fine✨ in a suit

I grabbed the coat Henroin had loaned me the last time I left his home and grabbed the stack of paperwork from the table.  I tucked my paperwork under my arm and walked out of the house, closing the door as quietly as possible.  Night Terror accompanied me as I walked over to my steed, Nightmare. " Hey, baby." I cooed softly to the horse as I approach, wiping some blood that was dripping down my nose. I brought one hand to the side of her face and caressed the horse's cheek, gently. With how much damage Vox had dealt with me, it would cause me more pain to ride the horse rather than to walk. "I'm sorry, Nightmare, but you have to stay here." I whispered, patting Nightmare's neck. I turned around and pulled Henroin coat closer to me as the evening breeze swirled around me. The coat smelled of him, a sweet mixture of gun powder and cigarettes.  The smell made me feel safe as it guided me back to his home, my hound trotting alongside me. I could hear distant explosions in the distance with the far-away sound of gunshots. It made me think of my glory days in the war and the victories I had secured. "How did it ever come to this?" I asked Night Terror who simply bumped into my leg in an attempt to comfort me. I smiled softly as I approached his house. I knocked on the door and saw a light turn on inside. A moment later, Henroin appeared in the doorway, pistol aimed at my face. "Oh! Tia, come in. Are you alright?" his low voice asked. As he noticed the cuts and bruised that had appeared on my skin, he leads me inside. Night Terror barked as Henroin almost closed the door, leaving him out there. " Come on then!" he said, the dog bounding in after me. He grabbed the medical supplies he kept and the same to care for me. I was huddled up in his jacket still, fidgeting with one of the ripped-up hems. "Absentia, you have to tell me what happened," he whispered as he took my hand. I shook my head, my eyes now going golden. His other hand went to cup the side of my face as I leaned into his touch, tears slowly slipping down my cheeks. "Tia, please." he pleaded. I looked at him who had a heart-wrenching plead on his features. I shook my head as he closed his eyes, admitting defeat. "Then I'll go myself." he said, standing up, " You go shower.". I quickly grabbed his hand. " Henroin, please don't. I don't want anything to happen to you." I begged. He smiled at me. "You can use some of my clothes. Shirts are in the closet, pants are in the drawers," he said, pulling on his jacket. I chewed on my cheek as he slowly walked out of the house. My lips opened to protest as the door shut. I pulled my knees up to my chest and held them, heart racing. "Please come back to me, Henroin. I can't live without you." I whispered as the tears began falling more vigorously. 

Henroin's Pov

I suspected that Vox could be the cause of all of Tia's injuries for quite a while now and it makes my blood boil. I can't stand the idea of her getting hurt, so I'm going to put a stop to this. I stormed down the streets, my hand clenched around my pistol, hidden in my coat pocket. I growled as I approached the house. I stalked over towards the back door as I heard a horse cry out. I opened my hands and watched the horse use their hoof to paw at the ground. " It's okay. Shh, I'm a friend of Tia's." I whispered as my eyes darted from the house to the horse. The horse seemed to calm down at the mention of Asentia. I nodded as the horse moved away slowly. I turned my attention back to the house as I snuck around back. I felt around the back walls as my hand met a doorknob. I took in a breath and twisted it as the door creaked open. I moved inside, eyes surveying the room for anything that could upset or inform him of my presence. I moved into the house and took notice of my surroundings. There was a spot of blood next to the table which I assume is where the beating had happened. The anger and hate I felt for him blazed like a fire, consuming any regard for this man's life. I moved swiftly through the halls to find Vox, laying in bed and snoring softly. I grabbed my pistol and pulled out the clip, making sure that it was loaded. I slipped the clip back in and loaded a bullet into the chamber, preparing to execute him.  Vox's eyes opened quickly at the sound of the gun and rolled out of the way. The feathers in the pillow flew up and swarmed us. Vox looked up from the floor, fear consuming his usual anger. "You asshole!" I yelled as I aimed and cocked my gun again. I shot as Vox began crawling away through the door. I fired off shots, my anger clouded my mind and senses. The smoke flowed from the barrel of the gun with each shot. Vox hid from each shot till the last shot clipped his leg. He cried out in pain and held his leg. I slowly moved closer to him as I aimed the gun towards his head. I pulled the trigger as the gun clicked. Vox flinched as he moved his hand to shield his face. The gun continued clicking as I pulled the trigger. I pulled out the clip again as I saw I was out of ammo. Vox must have noticed as well, because he jumped up and tackled me to the ground, grabbing and tossing the gun to the side. We rolled around on the ground, both fighting for dominance. When I finally got on top, I twisted his head around, hearing a nasty snap. His neck was at an awkward angle as I stood up and got off of him, panting. I moved back and left the house, getting back to Tia as fast as I could. 

The lemon will be coming next. I hope you liked it!

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