Avocado Salad (Loona xMale! Shy! Caring! Demon! Reader)

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This was requested by Jazz2064. Thank you again! There's a wee bit of fighting and blood. Just a warning....

Y/n's pov

I sit at the table, Loona bent over in the fridge, scavenging for food. I rest my head on my hand as I set my fork down, pushing my salad to the side. I blushed as she stood up to her full height and dug into a container filled with green. "What is that?" I ask in a small disgusted voice. Her face moved into a sneer after the first few bites. "I think it's something..." she grabbed a cup of water and chugged it down, "avocado. Either, it helps my hangover". "Why would you drink on a work night?" Millie pipes up from the coffee machine. "I'm hungover from this morning, dumbass." Loona says, rolling her eyes. She tosses the container down on the table as Moxxie walks in. "Is that my avocado Salad?"  He asks, studying the green mush. "Why do you care? God! I have to go and blow off some steam!" She yells, marching out. I sigh, knowing that she would most likely do something stupid in her rage, and stood up to follow her. "Here, Mox. You can have my salad. I haven't touched it." I hand him the leaves and walk out the door (I guess you could say you.. leaved... that was horrible. I admit that.) . I see Loona kick a baby carriage to god knows where and stomp off. I quicken my pace and turn a corner to see her growling at a taller demon. "Watch where you're going!" The demon yells. "Back off. I will do whatever the hell I want!" She snarls back. "Pardon us. We'll be going now. Sorry." I say, pulling her arm and rushing away. "I could've taken that guy!" She says, looking back. "Please don't hurt yourself. I know you could've but I see no point in it." I say, trying to avoid people. "Why are you even out here?" The hellhound asks. A blush roses my cheeks as I avoid her eyes. "N-no reason." I say, quickly. Loona shrugs as we continue down the street, taking her arm from me. We walk together for a few minutes before she gesturing to a coffee shop. "Wanna stop and get a cup?" She asks. "Sure..." I answer. We walk across the cracked road and I hold the door for her as she goes inside. "Thanks." She smiles at me, slightly. I feel my heart skip a beat while we walk towards the line. When we get to the front of the line, we both order a cup (if you don't like coffee, why? But it can be tea or a juice. Something.) and a snack. "I'll wait for the drinks. You go find a table." Loona says, grabbing out some money. "I've got it." I say, pushing some cash over towards the barista. "Thank you. I could've gotten it though." Loona says, blushing a bit. "I'll go find us a table." I say, looking towards the crowded room. I push my way through the people until I hit someone on the shoulder. "I'm terribly sorry! I didn't mean to!" I say, turning to look at them. I see the large bird demon Loona had almost started a fight with earlier, his coffee spilt all over the front of him. Furious, the demon grabs me by the neck of my shirt. My heart begins rushing as adrenaline fills my body. "You son of a bitch!" He yells. He pulls his arm back as I close my eyes and brace myself, closing my eyes. I fell myself dropping to the floor as Loona snarled and growls at him. Claws and talons slash against each other, grunts and howls of pain come from both of them as they are pulled off each other. The other demon had scratches across his face and his right eye already turning black. Loona ,on the other hand, had a bloodied nose, only a few cuts on her face and arms, and a nasty cut across her leg.. Loona pulls her arms away and stumbles backwards into me. "Are you okay?" I ask, frantically. She wipes her nose and nods, still glaring at the bird. "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up." I say, wrapping my arm around her waist. "Take your whore!" The demon yells through the door, "MaybeWe both stumble and limp, back towards IMP. When we get through the door, Moxxie and Millie's jaws both drop. "What happened?" Millie gasps, starring at us as we slowly make our way to the medical area. "Dumbasses." Loona asnswers, smirking. I shake my head as I lead her into the small room. She sits down in a chair as I go around the room looking for supplies. I walk over to her and pull up a chair next to her. "Thank you. You didn't have to though." I say, pressing some hydrogen peroxide covered cotton balls against the cuts. Her face scrunchs up in pain but slowly fades away. "It's fine. You helped me. Why did you follow me?" Loona asks, sighing and leaning back. "No reason..." I answer, my face heating up. Her eyes fill with realization which quickly turns to a playful look. "Do you like me?" She asks, leaning towards me. I avert my eyes from her and return to bandaging her leg. She falls back, giggling. "You do!" She exclaims, still smiling, "Is that why you paid for my coffee? And held the door for me? And followed me to protect me?". I finish taking care of her injuries and go to put away the items. "Done." I say in a hushed voice and go to exit the room before she reached for my hand. "I don't know why you do, but I think it's really sweet." Loona says, moving her nose against mine. My heart skips a beat as it does when she smiles. She caresses my cheek with her hand and sits back. I stand there, gaping, before shaking my head and coming back to reality. My cheeks burn with a mix of joy and embarrassment as I turn to leave the room. I walk out into the sitting area where Millie and Moxxie still sit before Loona begins to say something. "You know, I never got that coffee. Maybe we should try again some time. " she offers, "Maybe even as a date.". I could hear the smile in her voice. "I'd love to." I say, turning to smile at her. 

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