Chapter Three

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I was woken by ice cold water being splash in my face. I coughed. When I opened my eyes I was face to face with Hartley Rathaway. "Well then, now that you're awake we can begin," he said. I just stared at him with hatred. "Nice to see you again Ariana. I must say you seem much more confident than last time we met. Tougher too," he said. "Now, I have everything S.T.A.R Labs had about the Flash but I don't know anything about you. That's why you're here. You are going to fill in the blanks for me," he explained. "No way," I told him. "Fine, your choice," he said pulling out a small controller. A wave of pain rippled through me. "Are you willing to help now?" He asked. "Go to hell," I said through gritted teeth. "I'm sorry you feel that way," he said. He sent another shock through me.

I was talking with Cisco about ways to disable the cuff on Aria's wrist. Suddenly a wave of pain washed through me originating from my right wrist. "Oh my god Barry!" Caitlin yelled running over to me. "What's wrong with him?" She yelled. Cisco noticed where the pain was starting. "Somebody's activated the cuff on Aria's wrist. It's their connection, she is in so much pain that Barry can sense it," Cisco said. "If Barry can sense Ariana's pain would Ariana be able to sense Barry's relief?" Cisco asked. Caitlin ran to a shelf and grabbed a syringe. "Barry's metabolism will burn right through it but it may linger with Aria," Caitlin said. Before I could reply she stuck the needle in my arm.

Hartley shocked me repeated me. Suddenly, I felt the cool relief of morphine in my veins. Barry! I thought. I nearly screamed when a voice answered me. Aria? It asked. Aria are you okay? I'm fine Barry. It's Hartley. I think he's having just a little too much fun with the cuff/ joy buzzer on my wrist. I thought. Me and Cisco are thinking of a way to disable the cuff. Just hang in there. Hurry. I thought. "Let's try again. What is your biggest weakness?" he said. "Screw you Hartley," I said. "Fine let's go to the video tapes shall we?" He said a monitor turned on to show that night on the bridge with Hartley. It showed me rushing over to Barry panicking. You could tell I was terrified. The image changed and I was slowly backing away from Barry pleading for him to stay away. Energy shot out of my hands sending him flying backwards into the wall. My face showed that I was horrified of what I had done to him. Next I was leaving for the league. Again my face showed fear as I said goodbye to Barry. In another scene I was hugging the life out of him after he had come back from his fight with Captain Cold and Heat Wave. "You have a weakness and that weakness is the Flash," Hartley whispered in my ear. Hot tears ran down my cheeks. "Tell you what. When I kill him I'll let you watch. He'll die slowly and painfully. Unless you help me get the information I need. You see Megan was only able to get information on the Flash. But I need the weaknesses of every member of your team. Do we have a deal?" Hartley told me. "You son of a bitch," I said. "It's a yes or no question," he said. "Fine I'll do it," I said. "Excellent! You, Megan, and Melissa can go tonight," he said gleefully. "But first you're gonna deliver a letter to your friends," he explained.

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