Chapter Fifteen

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The two groups stood across from each other. "Ah Ariana. You're supposed to be dead," Hartley said. "If it was that easy to put me down I would've been dead years ago," Aria replied. "Love the suit by the way," Snart added. "I'm bored," Megan spoke up. "You're right," Aria agreed. She shot a sonic blast at Hartley. He flew backwards and chaos erupted. Aria walked towards him as he got up. "Copy cat!" he yelled. "Dick head," she replied. She kicked him in the face. He blasted her with sonic vibrations but she landed on her feet unscathed. "So how quickly do you think your friends are going to lose?" Hartley asked as he lunged. "Not as soon as you," Aria said then blasted him back with energy. "Let's do this the old fashioned way. No powers, no tech, no weapons, just skill," Hartley suggested. Aria deactivated her gloves. Hartley dropped his gauntlets. They stood for a few seconds then Hartley charged.

Using her superspeed, Aria analized the situation. She made a mental list of who was fighting who.

- Oliver Queen vs. Slate Wilson

- Roy Harper vs. Digger Harkness

- Alice Greene vs. Shawna Biaz

- Sara Lance vs. Leonard Snart

- Cisco and Megan Ramon and Caitlin Snow vs. Melissa Heart

- Mari Costa vs. Roy G. Bivolo

- F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M vs. Mick Rory

It was very confusing. Suddenly Barry was thrown to the ground. He turned to find the Reverse Flash. Aria narrowed her eyes and Barry attacked. To anyone without superspeed it looked like a tornado of yellow and red electricity. But Aria could see every blow, every facial expression, every drop of blood. Barry was getting his ass kicked. She refocused on the incoming attacker. He threw a punch. Aria caught his fist and twisted it. She smiled as she heard the familiar sound of the bone cracking. Hartley screamed in pain. Aria swung around behind him and hooked her foot around his ankled. She pulled back and heard the loud pop that meant it was dislocated. She turned back to face him. "No one messes with my family," she said. She punched him in the face and he collapsed unconcious. She turned to see three familiar faces losing to a telekinetic teenager.

Cisco thought they were doing fairly well until Kinetica started using her telekinesis. Then they started losing. Suddenly she was on the ground out cold and Aria was standing there. "Your form was a little off Cisco. Caitlin, not bad but hit harder. Megan, pretty good. Look, your opponents are smart, so you need to be smarter," she said. Before anyone could reply there was a scream. "Barry!" Aria yelled. She took off. That's when Melissa got back up.

Aria reached the hill where the Reverse Flash and Barry were fighting. Barry was unconcious against a rock. She ran to him. She checked for serious injuries. There were only a few scrapes and bruises. "Hello Ariana," a sickeningly familiar voice said from behind her. She turned to see the Reverse Flash. "Hey Dr. Wells," Aria replied. He removed his mask. "So you figured out my little secret," he said. "I knew there was something off about you. I'm good at reading people," Aria told him. "Do you know why Mister Allen isn't dead or injured? It's because he was just needed to lure you away from the others so they couldn't help you. You see, the Flash isn't the main target. The initial target of this grande debacle, is you Miss Harper," he explained. "You used Barry," Aria said with anger. "We used your weakness to our advantage," he corrected. "Well, I'm gonna use my strengths to kill you," she replied. Wells put his mask back on and charged.

I woke up at S.T.A.R Labs. I was on a hospital bed. Kelly noticed that I was awake and came over. "How are you feeling?" she asked. "I'm fine. Where's Aria?" I asked immediately. "She had to go to work," she replied. "Work?" I wondered. "Yeah she said to check the news paper too," Caitlin said walking in. "Here," Cisco said. I didn't even realize he was in the room. I took the news paper. It was an article about the Flash. There was a picture of The Flash and Adrenaline. I remembered that picture. Alice took it. I read the article. Then I realized what the byline said.


I set down the news paper and ran to Central City Picture News. As I suspected, Iris and Aria were sitting at two desks working on something together. I walked over. "How about this one?" Aria asked Iris showing her a picture of the Flash. "I think we should do a piece on Ghost," Iris suggested. "I think that's a great idea. Give my team some credit," I said walking up. "If anything it should be my team. After all I do most of the work," Aria protested. "An argument could be made," I told her with a smirk on my face. "Well I can be very persuasive," She said. I thought she was gonna use her powers on me but she just kissed me. "Why didn't you tell me you were gonna work at the same place as Iris?" I wondered. "Like I said. It was a surprise. Now you can see your two favourite girls at the same time," Aria explained. "I'm happy to have Aria as my partner. Plus she has a lot of pictures of your team in action," Iris added. "We've got to get back to work but see you later at the lab," Aria said. She kissed my cheek and turned back to her desk. I smiled and walked away. Things were gonna be easier now.

Escaped VigilanteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora