Chapter Seven

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"Aria you shouldn't have let him come," Hartley a said taking out a black box. He pressed a button. Aria clutched her arm in pain but I didn't feel anything. Which meant that the cuff was inactive. But if it was inactive why hasn't she come home? "Hey! You said you wanted to talk so talk," Cisco said. "You will tell me what I need to know and in exchange I won't release a super angry assassin/meta-human on the city," he said. Aria looked at me. "Go to hell Hartley," I said. "Very well," he said. He snapped his fingers. Slate grabbed Aria and turned her to face Prism. His eyes flashed red. Aria turned to Hartley. "How are you feeling?" He asked her. "I feel like kicking your ass," she said. Before he could react she punched him in the face. "Megan let's go!" She yelled. "You little traitor," Slate said grabbing Megan by the air. Aria tried to get her but I grabbed her and Cisco and ran. When we got to S.T.A.R Labs Aria was crying. "What happened?" Roy asked. "We have to go back for Megan," Aria pleaded. "After what she did?" Roy asked. Aria explained her conversation with Megan. "Oh my god," Cisco muttered. "Cisco is it possible to telekinesis proof a cell?" Caitlin asked. "Maybe," he said. "Are you okay?" Roy asked Aria. "Yeah I'm fine," she said walking away. I followed her. I grabbed her wrist. "You and I both know you are far from fine," I told her. She turned around and hugged me. She started balling her eyes out. "Hey it's okay," I said comforting her. "We have to save her," Aria whimpered. "We will. I promise," I said. Aria wiped her eyes and looked at me. "Don't make promises you can't keep," she said. Then she took off.

I walked back into the cortex. "Alice, find Aria and talk to her. Your her best friend. Make sure she doesn't do anything stupid," I said to Alice. "On it," she said before running through the wall. "Barry look at this," Caitlin said. It was a video if Hartley and Megan. "You come or she dies. Friday airstrip at nine," Hartley said. "It just repeats the same thing over and over again," Cisco said. In the video Megan was tied up, gagged, bruised, and bleeding. "Barry armed robbery in progress 4th and Waid," Cisco said. "Wanna come Roy?" I asked. "I have nothing else to do so why not," he replied. When we got there the men had guns. There were six guys. As I was fighting one another dropped with a knife in his shoulder. "Barry Allen. Miss me?" Mari's voice said through his speaker. "Mari Costa. Not really," I replied. "Aw not even a little sweetheart?" she asked sweetly. The bad guys were taken care of and we went back to S.T.A.R Labs. When we got there Caitlin was suturing a large gash on Aria's arm. "What happened?" I asked. "Aria tried to save Megan," Alice said. "Alone!?" Roy yelled. "Yes," Aria replied. "And I'm not gonna stop trying," she continued. "Aria," I said. I showed her the video and the note. "Well then," she said seriously. "Dibs on training Cisco!" she laughed. "I'm doomed," he said dramatically. "Aww it'll be fun," Aria insisted. "Hey where's Dr. Wells?" Aria asked suddenly. "I don't know," Caitlin said. "I haven't seen him in a few days," Cisco said. "Oh well," Alice said.

The next morning Caitlin and Cisco were waiting at the lab for us. "Ready to get your ass kicked Cisco?" Aria asked him. He winced just imagining what would happen. "Let's go Caitlin," I said. We walked out the door.

Cisco charged again. I stepped out if the way. "Cisco you can't charge every time. Remember, you need to anticipate your enemy," I said. He swung slowly to the right. I caught it but he kicked me in the gut. I clutched my gut. He used that opportunity to flip me on to my back and hold me down. "Better," he asked breathing heavy. "Way better," I said. He got up an helped me up. "Hey Aria mind helping me teach Caitlin?" Barry asked. "Sure," I said.

It's been half an hour and Caitlin is not getting it. Then I got a really fun idea. "Maybe we could demonstrate a fight for her," I said with a mischievous smile on my face. "Hell yeah!" Cisco yelled. "It would help," Caitlin said. "Sure why not," Barry said. "On your mark," Caitlin said. I put on my mask. "Get set," Alice said walking up. I got into position. "GO!!" Cisco yelled. Barry charged. I ducked his swing. I kicked. He caught my foot and flipped me. I landed on my hands and flipped back onto my feet and punched him in the gut. He stumbled. I went in for another hit but he anticipated it and flipped me onto my back. He was on top of me. I looked into his eyes. I kissed him. He kissed back. While he was distracted I flipped both of us so that I had him pinned. "That was a dirty trick," Barry said. "That was genius!" Cisco said. I helped him up. He just stared at me. "Anybody want to go for pizza?" Ronnie asked walking in. "Me!" I said excitedly. "Barry wanna come?" Ronnie asked. Barry just continued to stare at me. Cisco waved his hand in front of Barry's face. "Barry, this is me noticing you staring," I said. "Sorry, sure I could  go for some pizza," he said. "Then let's go," I said. Barry grabbed my wrist as I went to walk away. "Maybe we should change first," Barry suggested. I remembered that I was wearing my suit. "Right," I said. I went inside and got changed in a pair of black yoga pants, a crimson w-neck T-shirt, and my black fleece sweater. I slipped on my uggs and walked into the main room. "Ready," I announced. "Let's go," Ronnie said. We walked out the door.

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