Chapter Six

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Watching Slate get his ass kicked by Ariana was awesome. He wore a white tank top and grey pants, she wore a black sports bra and black yoga pants. He would come at her and she would send him back with an energy blast. Then he would look confused and try again. Finally, he gave up and walked away. "You still angry?" I asked Aria. "Oh the effects wore off about an hour ago I just really hate him," Aria confessed. I laughed. "Serves that dick right," I said. I tossed her a black v-neck tee. She slipped it on. "Want some coffee?" I asked her. "Sure," I said. We walked out the door. "So why are you trying to ruin your brother?" She asked me. "I'm not," I said. "Well kidnapping me and threatening my life is not gonna bring him closer," she said. We walked into Jitters and I sat down. She went and ordered. She came back minutes later holding two steaming mugs and a plate with two cinnamon sugar donuts on it. "How did you know I love these?" I asked her. "Cisco is obsessed with them," she said. "I'm not against him. My friend Melissa was a good kid. Then Hartley got in her head. I found out about the pipeline but I knew it wasn't telekinetic proof so I had to provoke him to make it telekinesis proof," I said. "I'm on your side," I continued. "Prove it," She said lifting her right wrist. I pulled out my phone. "The cuff is now safe to remove," I said. "And I have something for the angry meta-human," I told her pulling out a contact case. "These contacts will protect you from his powers," I explained. "Hey Aria I didn't know you were here," a girl said. "Hey Iris. This is Megan," Aria said. "Cool. So where have you been?" Iris asked. "I've been staying at Megan's place with our friend Melissa. We had an awesome movie night yesterday," Aria said. I checked my watch. "Holy crap! We need to get back Aria," I said. "Bye Iris it was nice seeing you," Aria said as we walked away. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Iris looking at us as she put her phone to her ear.

I called Barry. "Hello?" He asked. "Hey can you give me a lift to S.T.A.R Labs? There's something I need to tell everyone," I said walking through the back door. Barry hung up and was in front of me in three seconds. He picked me up and ran. When we got there Cisco, Caitlin, Alice, and my dad were there talking to two men. "Who's this?" I asked. "This is Professor Martin Stein and Ronnie Raymond," Caitlin said. "Wait Ronnie the-," I started. "Dead fiancé," Ronnie finished. "Why is he here?" I asked. "Do you remember the Burning man?" Caitlin asked. "He's the burning man?" I asked in disbelief. "We are the burning man," Ronnie said gesturing to Stein. "How?" I asked. Ronnie and stein faced each other grabbed hands and merged into one person. I jumped back. "Holy crap!" I yelped. They un-merged. "Iris you wanted to say something," Barry reminded me. "I saw Aria. She was with that girl Megan. I asked her where she had been and she lied to my face," I explained. "She didn't seem angry?" Joe asked. "No she just had that look in her eyes. You know the look she gets when she's planning something? It was weird," I said. "That is weird," Barry said. "I gotta get to work," I said. "I'll drop you off," Barry said picking me up.

"Where have you two been?" Shawna asked when we got back. "We got some coffee," Megan said. "Is that all?" She asked skeptically. "What do you want?" I asked. "That's a really pretty anklet," she said. "You can have it when I'm dead," I said. "That may not be very far in the future," she mumbled walking away. "Are you wearing the contacts?" Megan whispered in my ear. I nodded. "Good cause here he comes," she said. "Turns out I need to speak with your brother Megan," Hartley said. He looked. "I know about your connection to the Flash. I know your fast. Go get me Cisco Ramon," he said. I took off.

I was talking to Barry when a blast of cold air filled the cortex. I turned around and Aria was standing in the doorway. "Hartley wants a word with Cisco," she said. "I'm coming too," Barry said. I could see the relief on Aria's face. "Let's go," I said. Aria ran me there. "Good your here," Hartley said. "And me. Allen. I wasn't aware you would be joining us," he continued.

"Aria you shouldn't have let him come," Hartley a said taking out a black box. He pressed a button. Aria clutched her arm in pain but I didn't feel anything. Which meant that the cuff was inactive. But if it was inactive why hasn't she come home? "Hey! You said you wanted to talk so talk," Cisco said.

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