Chapter Eight

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We walked into the pizza place and sat down at a booth. "Hi everyone my name is Katie I will be your server today. Can get you anything to drink?" a waitress said walking up. "I'll have a rootbeer, and he will have a coke," Aria said gesturing to me. "I'll have a beer please," Ronnie said. "I'll be right back with those," Katie said smiling. She walked away. "So you guys have a connection like me and professor Stein?" Ronnie asked. "Not exactly. If I concentrate I can actually see through his eyes. Also, I have his speed and he has my energy blasts. But he refuses to use them," Aria explained. "And she heals faster than normal," I said. "That is really creepy," Ronnie announced. A few minutes later the food got there. Aria, Ronnie, and I had a contest on who could eat the most pizza. Suprisingly, Aria won. After I payed we headed back to S.T.A.R Labs. On the way we were met by none other than Shawna Biaz. "What do you want?" I asked. "I wanna talk to the brat with the ninja skills," she said looking at Aria. "I'll be right back," Aria said walking with Shawna. A few minutes later Aria came back with a bloody knuckle. "What is it with you leaving with villains and coming back with bloody knuckles?" I asked. "That looks pretty bad," Ronnie said looking at it. "You should see her face," Aria said shrugging.

   When we got back to S.T.A.R Labs me and Aria were intercepted by Cisco. He grabbed Aria's wrist and dragged her into a part of the building I didn't recognize. "Where are we?" I asked. "This is where I do my best inventing," Cisco explained. "And why are we here?" Aria questioned. "For these," Cisco said. He showed us the black fingerless gloves from Aria's costume and the red gloves from my suit. "Our gloves?" I asked. "I made some modifications. Aria's gloves now have built in sonic emitters. So she can attack with sonic blasts and her sonic ear splitting screech. Plus, she can electrocute people. And Barry, yours now have built in kevlar so you can literally catch bullets," Cisco explained excitedly. "Hey Barry put your gloves on," Aria told me. I put the on. "Why?" I asked. She whipped out a gun and fired at my hand. I caught the bullet. "What the hell!?!" I screamed. "Where did you get a gun?" Cisco asked. "The gloves work," Aria said sweetly. I rolled my eyes and we went back to the cortex. "Ready for round two Cisco?" Aria asked. He looked terrified. "Fine later then," she sympathized.


Half an hour later I got bored. "I'm going for coffee," I announced. "I'll go with you," Sara said. We left on foot towards Jitters. Halfway there we heard a vibrating sound coming from behind us. I turned around and found myself face to face with the reverse Flash. Before I could scream I was thrown against a brick wall. When the dizziness passed I realized Sara was gone. I got up and tried to run. But I couldn't so I called Barry. "Hello?" he asked. "Reverse Flash... Sara... Gone... Can't run," I stuttered crying. A few seconds later he was in front of me. "Which way did he go?" he asked. I pointed down the street. "Cisco scan the area for Sara. I'll explain why later," he said to his phone. He hung up picked me up bridal style and ran me to S.T.A.R Labs. When we got there Barry handed me to Roy and went back out to look for Sara.  

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