2 The sorting

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As the three girls got out of train they heard shouting coming from the other end of the platform

" 'irst years this way! 'irst years this way!"

They looked down the platform to see a very tall man holding a lantern which illuminated all the other students. When they made there way down to the lake along with the man who Sofia had started a conversation with, they saw a group of boats waiting to take all the first years up to the castle

"Four to a boat! Four to a boat!"

Y/n, Sofia and Maddie all decided to hop in a boat together, just before they started to move a younger boy joined them. He had brown curly hair and a face which looked similar to one she had seen before

"Hi I'm y/n, y/n potter"

The boy turned his attention to the brown haired girl

"Uh hi, I'm regulus black, you two are?"

This question caught the two others of guard due to the fact they hadn't been listening before

"Oh I'm Maddie Readon"
"And I'm Sofia West"

"Pleasure too meet you"

The boats soon started gliding across the sparkling lake taking them up to the castle they would be spending the next 7 years in. Y/n was snapped out of her thoughts by the sounds on students who seemed amazed

When she looked up she realised why. There it was. They had reached Hogwarts, it was beautiful. The dark grounds were lit up by the hundreds of windows and the astonishing castle was sat on a sort of hill

"Beautiful isn't it" stated Maddie
"It really is" Sofia and y/n responded at he same time

Not long after they were outside a large, oak door which James told her led to the great hall.
Butterflies started to grown in y/n's stomach and thoughts started to race her mind. 'What is she wasn't sorted into Gryffindor" "what if she was put in Slytherin and everyone hated her" She was pulled out her thoughts when all the other students started heading into the hall, Sofia grabbed her arm and pulled her into the hall. She was amazed when she walked in, there was no ceiling! As if regulus could read her mind he explained "its enchanted to look like the night sky" "ye I knew that" she whispered as a response "sure looked like it" she giggled and continued to walk until they reached the front where a stool sat with a hat on top. She assumed it was the sorting hat, this James had told her about, when it was placed on your head it could basically enter your mind and tell what house you belong to. Soon enough the ceremony began, first to be called out of their group (y/n,Sofia,Maddie and regulus) was y/n. She slowly walked up towards the stool continuously glancing in James direction who was wearing a proud smirk while also staring in her direction, when she sat on the stool Minnie (the nickname James and his friends gave professor mcgonagall) place the hat on her head which slipped down half her face, the last thing she saw was everyone staring right at her. 'Ahhh another potter' a voice said in her head 'you are brave for Gryffindor, kind for Hufflepuff, smart for Ravenclaw yet not cunning for Slytherin' 'but where to put you, Hufflepuff or Gryffindor' "please be Gryffindor that's where my brother is and I'm sure that's where I belong" she pleaded 'GRYFFINDOR' The hat yelled, the Gryffindor table burst into applause as she took of the hat and made her way over.

'Readon, Maddie"

After about 5 minutes, which y/n assumed Maddie spent arguing with the hat, it finally made its decision and shouted 'GRYFFINDOR'.
Y/n was happy for Maddie not just because that was the house she wanted but also because she believed Sofia might get gryffindor and y/n was already in it


Once Regulus name was called both y/n and Sirius turned there attention to the front. Quicker than expected the hat made its choice 'SLYTHERIN' This result really upset y/n, she knew Gryffindors and Slytherin didn't really get along. Finally Sofia was called up and after around 10 minutes she was placed into Gryffindor joining y/n and maddie. After dumbledore made his speech dozens of trays of food appeared going up the whole table, the girls started eating like they hadn't been fed in months

"Have you lot never eaten" asked Remus staring at the girls who were still stuffing their faces

"Oi, shut up, I saw how you eat when you were over" this made Remus silent knowing he didn't have anything else to use to defend himself

After dinner frank longbottom, the gryffindor prefect, showed the first years to the common room. It was warm and cozy, so was their dorm, well until y/n,Sofia and maddie entered. They had one other dorm mates, Holly Williams. They quickly went to sleep since classes were starting the next day. They drawer the curtains around their bed and fell asleep rather quickly

This took too long to write, I wrote 861 words😫 anyway PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION love interest, Mary or peter?

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