6 A new friend (maybe more)

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y/n was sat under a tree reading a muggle novel named 'Alice in wonderland' Sofia and Maddie were in potions while she had a free period. She was getting very invested in her book when Peter came over "hey" "hey, why aren't you with the boys?" "Oh they are in herbology, I've got a free period, anyway I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out at hogsmaed tomorrow?" "sure! sounds like fun, meet in the entrance hall?" "sure, see you there"

Finally, classes were over for the day and the girls headed to dinner while talking about homework "honestly how much time do they think we have! we have way too many essays to write!" y/n huffed annoyed at the amount of homework they had been set "calm down we only have 4 and they are only 2 sided" Maddie was getting frustrated with y/n's complaints " are you sure the hat wasn't meant to place you in Ravenclaw?" after are normal lunch the girls headed to their dorms when y/n happily announced, "I got something to tell you!, I'm going to Hogsmeade with Peter!"Sofia and Maddie both said at the same time "YES" Then Sofia said, "took your time, we have been shipping you for ages!" Maddie: "When are you going out?!" "Tomorrow" Sofia left for some reason but she wasn't telling them why "Any way you know what we are doing tomorrow then don't you?" "DONT SAY IT" "We are going to style you up" "Oh god" Sofia came back with a crate "What's in there?" "I'll show you" Sofia opened the crate and there were 3 tiny puppies she pulled a ginger one out of the crate and said "This one's mine and his name is Henry," she said, pointing to a small brown dog, She then pointed to the black one and said "This one is your's y/n and Maddie that ones yours" "OMG WE GOT PUPPIES" screamed Maddie a bit to loud "But we aren't allowed them in school"y/n explained worry that they could get caught "Don't worry about that I asked dumbledore about 20 times and he eventually gave up so he let me, oh and thank hagrid for actually getting them" the girls spent the rest of the night playing with the puppies until they decided to get to sleep

Next day

The girls woke up early in the morning, Maddie and Sofia getting ready to go to see snape, and y/n was getting ready for her hogsmaed trip with peter. She was rather nervous the night before, she thought she might end up messing something up. After the three were dressed they headed down to the great hall to go grab some breakfast, they met the boys (James, Peter, Sirius, and Remus) who seemed rather happy. "Why so happy?!" y/n shouted down the corridor to get the boy's attention "Well your brother James here has finally got a spot on the quidditch team, seeker" Sirius shouted back "Told you you'd get it," she said before walking into the great hall and catching up with Sofia and Maddie

"So when you meeting Peter?" Maddie asked curiously

"half-hour, I should probably leave soon" "of course don't want to keep your boyfriend waiting," Sofia said before y/n got up and left to go to the entrance hall.

Peters POV (in a way)

The boys were enjoying breakfast talking mainly about quidditch until Sirius decided to start annoying peter "So when you going to see your girlfriend?" "Wait! worm tail has a date?" said James in a surprised tone "first of all why sound so surprised, second of all who said she was my girlfriend" Peter replied annoyed that they are so surprised at the thought of him having a girlfriend "I mean you are going to hogsmaed together in 30 minutes, so unless you wanna keep your girlfriend waiting I would recommend heading off" added Remus before Peter jumped up and leaving to go the entrance hall

Back to Y/n

She was stood in the entrance hall along with peter who had just arrived. "So where to first, I don't know many places" y/n didn't really know anywhere in Hogsmeade since she had never been "well we could go to the three broomsticks and maybe honeyduckes" They agreed on going to the three broomsticks to get some butterbeer, they got to know each other better before going to honeydukes "What is honeydukes anyway?" Peter was surprised that she didn't know what it was "Well it's probably one of the best sweetshops ever, it's massive and has a lot of sweets" This exited y/n since she loved sweets, probably a bit too much. Y/n was amazed by the sight, chocolate frogs lined the walls, berty boots every flavored bean were everywhere, She bought a lot of sweets, mostly to keep in the dorm and share with Sofia and Maddie and take some home since the Christmas break was starting in a week. Christmas was always her favorite, James friend Sirius comes over, Sofia and Maddie come over, there are gifts, snow and overall it's just fun. Their time in hogsmaed soon came to an end when it began to get a bit too cold for both of their likings. "I had fun today, we should do it again, maybe after Christmas break" y/n suggested wanting to hang out again. "definitely, you're funnier than I thought, and a lot less annoying than James" this didn't come as a shock to y/n, due to always being told she's the less annoying sibling. As soon as I got back to the dorm Sofia and Maddie were questioning y/n like she was a celebrity and they were reporters after the fuss y/n wrapped herself in bed because it was freezing and her dog that she named Coco slept next to her


About the puppy part, Sofia forced me! Also the Christmas chapter may be very long because i wanna go into detail about the entire break

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