3 First classes

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The girls woke up at around 7:00 to get ready for breckfast that started at 8:00, well Maddie and y/n were up, after y/n was ready she decided to wake up Sofia by dragging her out of bed to the floor

"Ughhh, five more years!"
"Nuh uh, we have breckfast in 10 minutes and classes start today"

After the morning argument the three girls headed down to breckfast, they were walking through the corridors until they were met by snape, well snivellous.

"What do you want?" Sofia snapped angrily
"Shut up mudblood" snape spat back
"Oi, leave her alone, not her fault she's a muggle-born. Atleast she's not a stuck up grease ball like you" replied y/n angry at the fact snivellous had insulted Sofia

The girls finally made it past snape and joined James,Sirius,Remus and Peter to eat breckfast.
"Honestly, he thinks he can just come in and call people mudblood" The boys started to laugh as they told the story, mostly when they mentioned that y/n called him a 'grease ball'

After Breckfast the girls headed to their first class, potions. Y/n learned throughout the lesson that Sofia was a lot more fond of potions than her, her and Sofia had been paired up to research about living draught while Maddie and had been paired with Sirius who was continuously flirting with her. The lesson was finally over and they started heading to defence against the dark arts that they shared with the slytherin

It rather concerned y/n about how invested some of the slithering were in dada. They were learning about grindylows and had to Wright a 2 page essay all about them. The girls weren't so interested in defence against the dark arts, I mean what would want to attack some 11 year olds

Quick a/n
The one and only Sofia (yes the person y/n best friend is based off) will be writing herbology class

When they got to herbology they were told re-plant a screaming mandrake sadly, I had to sit by regulus turns out we actually still got along even though the difference in houses. Suddenly, everyone's head turned when a thump hit the floor, Snape had fainted (We are pretending he's in our year) the class erupted into laughter but for some reason when y/n glanced towards Sofia she seemed to feel bad for him

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