5 The apology (Written by Sofia)

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Y/n was sat in history of magic class bored out of her mind when a bird shape-note landed on her desk she knew who it was off right away since Sofia, Maddie and she always used to send notes in the shape of birds, y/n un-folded the note and saw If you don't like me around Snape that's fine even if I like him I'll stop because I love having you as a friend from Sofia y/n started writing 'I'm sorry to but I can't choose if you like him From Y/n.' She truly did feel bad, she didn't talk to Sofia for a week just because she tried making friends with someone.

After class, the girls went to the great hall for lunch, As soon as they got to the hall Sofia saw y/n sat at the Gryffindor table, once y/n realized she was there she jumped up leaving the boys and running to Sofia, they ran up to each other and hugged as if they hadn't seen each other in years Sofia was happy to see y/n so she said to hurry up and come join her and Maddie at their table. y/n was rather nervous because she had nothing to talk about but Sofia on the other hand just started chatting like normal.

After a very chatty lunch, it was time for flying practice y/n was extremely excited they finally got to learn how to fly, due to being James' sister she was very competitive when it came to quidditch. She sprinted across the field with Sofia and Maddie to practice, They're teacher said to try lifting our brooms of the ground Maddie had already read about this in a book she had been gifted so she got it easily my then Sofia did but y/n's wouldn't budge suddenly Peter came from across the quidditch pitch "Need some help?" he helped by telling her the right way to hold it eventually lifted off the ground, soon enough the lesson was over. y/n decided to go over and talk to Peter who was currently chatting to all the marauders, soon enough the three of them left leaving y/n alone with peter. She started a conversation with him about what he's up to and how she finding Hogwarts, the conversation came to an end as she thanked him and went to find Sofia and Maddie. Of course, when she found them Sofia was chatting to snape while Maddie was sat there looking very clearly annoyed, "Why looking so annoyed Maddie? cant wait to go see your boyfriend Sirius" the three exploded into a fit of laughter due to the look on maddies face "well, where you before you arrived? spending some quality time with your boyfriend Pettigrew?" "he only helped me with my broom, at least I don't flirt with him every time we're together" this only made Maddie turn a deeper shade of red. y/n was glad her and Maddie had made up with sofia, it wasn't the same with just 2 of them

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