Chapter 1 - The Unwanted Girl

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Every eye was pointed at the ground as her steps came closer. The pavement almost echoed in the silence that suddenly occurred as soon as she neared. She was used to it, it wasn't pleasant, but she was used to it and she understood. No one wants to look a Shamer girl in the eyes - it's just not worth the price and so she must go through life only having proper eye contact with a very few handful of loved ones. She had already walked half a mile through mud, just to get to the village, but the mill was still a while away. She stopped in the middle of the square and tried to look like she was just pausing for a rest, but really she was doubting if she should go any further. A few people said a halfhearted 'good morning' and Rikert, the black smith, waved at her as he saw her, but even he only looked at her knees and quickly went back to shoeing the innkeeper's black mare. She hardly ever came to the village anymore, but she had needed to get away from the house. It had already been an awful morning and she couldn't take it anymore. Her mother had scolded her for leaving her shawl on the fence over the night so it had been ruined by the rain, and she had fought with both of her siblings, because Melli, her almost 5 year old sister had ripped the eyes off her old doll. Of course Dina herself knew she was too old to play with dolls, but it had been her doll and she hadn't allowed Melli to play with it. Davin had gotten impatient when Dina was too busy with Melli to come help him with the chores and they too had been yelling at each other. It had started raining again and Dina considered going to the tavern to find Sasia, but then realised why she was going to the mill in the first place. All the girls had agreed to meet at Cilla's place today, so Sasia would be there too. And so would Dina. She made up her mind and started walking again at a stronger and more determined pace this time. She missed playing with Sasia, although she might be too old for dolls, she was still a child and she wished she could have kept the one friend she had had, that wasn't family. But Sasia, like everyone else, grew up and started to feel ashamed of certain things. And when you lose that childish innocence and ignorance, and guilt takes over, you can no longer look a Shamer in the eye without reliving every shameful thing you've ever done. It wasn't fair. When Sasia had told her official goodbye, Dina had been crying in her mother's lap the entire night.

"What's wrong with me?" She had wept late in the evening.

"There's nothing wrong with you," Her mother stroked her hair in the most calming way possible and fortunately she was a very calming woman. "You've got my gift." Her voice had both been proud and melancholic. But had it been up to Dina, she wouldn't have gotten that gift thrown right back at her. She reached the barn behind the mill, where she could hear voices coming from - definitely Cilla's voice, and something that very well could have been Sasia. Some of her courage melted away as she snuck in the slightly open barn door. Cilla was seated on a tall bale of hay with a pink sheet on her shoulders and a flower crown on her head. She was clearly meant to be the princess and the rest of the girls were her suitors who took turns doing impossible tasks until they succeeded and were able to take her place. Of course Cilla was the princess, and she would likely remain that the rest of the game. She was a chubby little girl who was the only girl in a crowd of 5 brothers. Very likely also why she was such a spoiled prick if you asked Dina. But nonetheless Dina couldn't help but envy her. She was such an awful person, and yet here she was, surrounded by girls who all wanted to play with her even though the rules were unfair. If Dina could only be tolerated, not even loved, she wasn't asking for much, if only... But her train of thought was broken when one of the girls squealed when they saw her standing in the doorway. Cilla pretended to be brave but fell out of her character as the princess and was very careful to study her nails while she spoke, so she wouldn't see the witcheyes that were pointed at her.

"What are you doing here?" Her words made the air around her seem cold and hostile. Dina's courage and determination had been replaced by anger and jealousy. Why did she get to be princess, when all Dina was, was a witch.

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