Part 27

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"Dada! You have a boo-boo?" The little asked innocently as he held the elder's injured hand. "I'm fine baby. See dada's hand is ok." The CEO responded as he waved his hand. "Did dada gwet boo boo becawse of Tae Tae?". He asked, small tears forming in his hazel eyes. 

"Aigoo don't cry, baby. It's not your fault. You dada is a big pabo." Jungkook said as wiped the Little's tears, smacking his head lightly. The little giggled as he looked at the older. "Dada iws smawrt. Dada iwsh not a pabo." He smiled brightly at the older. 

"Dada where awre appa, papa, hobi, chimmy, yoonie, jen je-".The elder cut him off by giving him a quick kiss."They all are at home baby." The little became shy as he hid his face behind the adorable sweater paws. Jungkook cooed at his baby as he gently hugged him. "When will we see eweryone?".The little asked, tilting his head to the side cutely. 

"After getting out of the hospital we will have ice cream and then go home. "Ok baby?". "Ywesh!! Iwce cweam!!". The little clapped his hands excitedly as the other looked at him with pure love and adoration. As promised Jungkook took Taehyung to an ice cream parlour. Taehyung got a strawberry flavored ice cream while Jungkook got a chocolate one. 

They had their ice cream in the car as the little started getting uncomfortable before driving off to Namjin's Mansion. "My baby!!" Jin almost yelled as he ran to the main hall. He and Namjoon hugged Taehyung tightly while kissing all over his face. Jungkook and his hyungs stood there watching the scene unfold. 

Jin smiled as he stretched his hand out to the others to join the hug. The seven stood there in silence as few sniffles could be heard from Jin. "Are you ok baby?" Jin asked as they all sat on the couch. "Ywesh! Tae Tae iws stwong!".The little giggled making everyone coo at him. "Jungkook how is your hand? I heard you got hurt"

Namjoon asked as he asked for the workers to bring some water. "Ahh, I'm fine hyung just a few scratches". The CEO replied smiling as his baby sat in his lap. "Do you want your paci baby?" Namjoon asked as he showed a purple pacifier. The Little's eyes widened with joy as he excitedly grabbed the paci putting it in his mouth. 

"Be careful baby!" Both Namjoon and Jungkook said at the same time as the little giggled. "Hyung this is Min Yoongi, the redhead beside him is Jung Hoseok and the pink haired is Park Jimin. They have been together for a few years. 

They are my best friends and also the head of the three departments in our company. "I'm so sorry Namjoon and Jin hyung. I shouldn't have le-". "It's ok Chim. It's not your fault. You know Taehyung talks so much about you three!".Jin exclaimed cutting off Jimin. 

 "Really?".Jimin asked as he looked at Taehyung. "Rweally. Tae Tae luvs Chimmy, Hobi, Yoonie, Appa, Papa, dada. Tae Tae luvs eweryone!".The little said excitedly as he clapped his hands, making everyone coo at the cute bundle of joy.

To Be Continued...

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