chapter 1 : ?

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(In the past)

It was the last hour of my shift for today and let me tell you i was ready to fucking leave.

I hated this job.

packing shit into boxes which get sent out for greedy business owners.
I do all their work for them for less wage and more hours of laber.

This all started a few months ago. I was so excited to finally start working and have some money i earn for myself and not just some pocket money once a month.

I was starting to get more independent as i knew i had to for the future.

It felt better working for myself and not just cleaning or gardening at home.

It felt different.

It felt great.

I Close everything up after i load the last bit of boxes in a corner for the morning shifters.

I usually worked with 2 other people but one of them was off sick and the other left earlier because i told them i would do the rest. But in reality i didnt want to spend anymore time with them,they were quite irritating and having to work with them alone wasnt going well.

And because of me being by myself i closed the shop later than usuall which was fine but not for my already messed up sleep schedule.

I double check everything and start to head out shutting the lights off the rooms i leave behind me. I locked it and started walking to my car which was parked on the otherside of the road because there wasnt any parking this afternoon.

I had a bag and my purse in my hand with my keys in the other.

I usually always forget something at the shop but i work 5times a weeks so retrieving it isnt a big issue.

As i made it to my car i pressed one of the buttons out of the two on my keys which made my car make a beeping noise signaling thats its open.

I sit in and set my stuff on the passenger seat so its by hand.

i adjust myself and turn on the light inside the car.

It was really quiet outside and i couldnt really see anything either.

my home was about a 20min drive which wasnt that bad considering there might be trafic at the main road. Its 1am but people still like to be up in my home town
Luckily most of us know each other since its a pretty small area in michigan.

Speaking of, a girl went missing about a month ago.but people are saying that she ran away.

idk tho im still cautious.

I was driving up to the main road which was about 15mins from my house and there wasnt alot of cars which suprised me. Maybe some people finaly fixed their sleeping schedule i thought.

I decided to turn on the radio or listen to something on my playlist to break the scary and eary noises around me that i tend to let get to my head at this time of night. I make sure to turn it up real high to shut my thoughts out and focus on the road.

As the cars started to turn into their roads which disconnect from the main there was only 2 other cars behind me. I obviously didnt think any of it because i was pretty sure i knew who they were.

i just carried on vibing and forgot about them until there was 1 car left.

I was inthe area of my house so i decided to turn in by the road closest to it.

but so did the car behind me..

I figured it was one of my neihbours visitors or something because i couldnt really recognise the car.

I was about 5mins from home but i needed to go through a woody and forested area in order to get there since it was a short cut and i was already tired so i just wanted to get home.

And once again the car followed me which got me quite uncomfortable.

I turned my music down so i could hear if anything suspicious happens and got more cautious.

Suddenly the car started to speed up and got infront of me.

We got to a section of the road where it was too slim for me to go around the car and speed off.neither turn around and find an exit so i just had to carry on driving.

I had my phone in the bag so i got it out and kept it close to me.

The car stopped infront of me and 3 people got out.

They were wearing masks shaped like bunny rabits and were different colours.

A blue one.

A yellow one.

And a purple one.

I remember the purple one being the tallest and the yellow having alot of protection on them.

The blue one got out from the back and was the last one to approach my car.

My breathing was heaving and i started to panic.

Grabbing my phone i set down on my lap i dialed the closest police station, which wasnt even in this area.

I started screaming.

the blue one looked at yellow and nodded its head to signal something.

Then yellow approached my side of the car and smashed the window grabbing me and pulling me out the car.

I squirmed and screamed for my life.

My phone was still ringing before i heard it crack. I looked up as yellow was dragging me away with a really tight grip around me and blue smashed my phone and chucked it in the bushes.

Purple got in my car and drove off the trail making it disappear in seconds.

My mouth was taped shut and my hands were tided together.

I was crying and trying my harding to fight back.

but yellow was to strong.

I Lost all my energy by the time they got me in the car and sat me down jn the back.

I look to my side and see another rabit mask with an unidentified person behind it.

The mask was green.

I scream even louder not knowing what they are gonna do to me or whats going to happen.

I just got kidnapped.

(Present day)

All this was about.....2years life turned from boxing stuff up to possibly getting kidnapped and disappearing forever..

Im anna.

anna shumate.

Im 20 and everyone thinks im dead.

Hope its goooooood.
I had a random idea and decided to turn it into a chapter.
(Didnt re read ) word count ~1100~
I love you and have a great day :)

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