chapter 2: Anna

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Turns out the purple guy that drove off with my car  managed to crash and die falling of a cliff into a nearby lake.

So the rest got rid of its body and somehow faked my death.

I have no idea how they did it without my body but im guessing the police gave up on my search pretty quickly after they found my car.they also tracked my phone even tho it was smashed and managed to get the contacts up and found that i called them last.

I havent heard from anyone for years and i dont want to.

Im here now.

wherever i am...

But im here and i want to be because i like it here.

And i dont wanna go back to my old life.

Im pretty sure im in the middle of nowhere but its kinda nice.
no responsibilities and no one irritating.
I dont mind it here.

The guys that kidnapped me wanted me because i was apparently needed for some scanning and identity.

I looked like someone a specific person described very detailed and i needed to open something and fill out papers.

I needed my finger prints done and my eyes copied for unlocking purposes.

They needed my saliva and more DNA samples, it was really weird.

At first i freaked out but once they explained everything and told me what was gonna happen i had no choice but to co-operate.

They said that they erased any identity of me once they finished with their work.

They destroyed my passports and anything that could identify me as me.

I traveled far from where i live so theres no way ill ever be able to go back even if i wanted to.

They sorta left me on this little......island is what i can describe it really.

But i havent really explored alot of it because ive been terrified to.

I have no idea where i am and no idea what lives on this land and whats on it.

But at the moment i dont really want too either.

Im fine at my area because if anything else really does live here, it doesnt come to the area im currently in so i can just chill for now.

The rabbit people come by pretty often but they refuse to answer any questions that are to do with this place, so i gave up after a few tries.
I actually made friends with them since they were literally the only people ive been seeing and interacting with for years now and they're actually pretty cool. They said they regret causing me any harm and freaking me out but they didnt have a choice. They also wouldnt tell me why they didnt have a choice but ill start asking questions later.

I mean im not just dumped on a random island in the middle of the ocean and left to survive without any skills you know?

Somehow they trusted me.

They never wanted to hurt me they just wanted their work finished and couldnt send me back so this was literally the other option other than killling me.

Idk why they didnt kill me,i figured  bad people would’ve  after they were done with me.

but they didnt.

I still have to keep an eye ouy for them not sure if i can trust them yet.

Anyway i have a house which for me is great.

i dont have to pay for bills and i have water,heat,comfort and i even got a cat.

Now thats life if you ask me. But there must be a catch right? Why would they give me all this stuff if they were meant to kidnapp me?
Like i said im still cautious.

The only thing i miss and  would really appreciate is seeing other people tho.

my parents.

my best friend.

But everyone thinks im dead so i have to act like i am.

im literally no one.

Im lucky i got to keep my name but im not allowed to say it out loud.

not even on this stupid island.

They made me grow out my hair and die it a darker colour.

I also have green contacts in which do get irritating by the end of the day.

i have no jewlery because i didnt get to keep mine and they didnt give me new ones.

My clothers are a little baggy but i kinda like the style.

its obviously completely opposite to what i used to wear tho.

I do get proper clothes and shoes which is an extreme plus.

I get food and have a roof over my head.

I still get so confused as to how im able to get all this stuff.

And how im not dead yet..

but hey im vibing.

I started putting the puzzles together... if they still want me to wear my identity while in the middle if nowhere some people might still be looking for me right?

Or maybe theres other people on the island?

I feel like i should start exploring the place more but who knows how big it is.

and if im gonna get lost or be in danger.

im just too eager at this point.

Im going to leave my area tomorrow.

I have to see if theres anyone else on this island.
Ayyy i hope you like it and makes sense, i know its a little all over the place but itll get better. (Didnt re read do dont mind the spelling or gramma) word count~900~
I love you and have a great day!!
(Also dont expect me to write a chapter everyday.ill do it when i have time)

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