chapter 5: Anna

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(Next day)

Ive been thinking about the whole 'leaving my area' thing and i dont think im ready just yet.

I've  convinced myself theres nothing else on the island thats worth putting me in danger.

If theres ANYTHING else on the island im sure they would've already passed my area so i dont think ill be getting any visitors. At all.

What i might do is walk along the coastline which is basically still leaving my area but ill be able to see my house from pretty far away i recon. Just so i dont get lost and its safer than in the dense jungle.

Its morning right now and i have just woken up after a good 3 hours of sleep. I couldnt fall asleep lastnight because i got to nervous and started hearing noises around me. Then i realised that i was gonna walk in a dense bush full of deadly creatures with no survival skills. So i just decided that its not the time for me just yet.
But i really wanted to explore so i chose the coastline, which isnt really exploring because i can see most of it outside my window .
but its still something. Plus its  leaving my area so i might come across something.
The rabbit masked people marked my area around the edge so i know where it ends. I have a pretty big area so thats  a main reason as to why i never left.i dont need or want a bigger my areas house is a little more in the jungle but still right on the edge before it turns into coast. Ive swam a couple times but i got scared after i saw some HUGE ass sea creature below me.

Theres also a weird division between the two sides of my house. On the left side theres alot of lizards,snakes,toads and HUGE insects.
But they never seem to go over to the left side. Its more birds and small mamal like animals.
I found it strange but i figured they're just territories and areas which the two are divided and in this case its my house.

I havent seen the rabbit masked people in a few days. They usually come every 2 days and its already been 5.
Maybe they're just busy.
But i hope they come back,it gets quite lonely without any human interaction and communication.

The only good reason i dont want them to be here is so they dont watch and follow me while i explore. Or 'would've'explored.
I would feel a little bit more relaxed if they were with me tho,but i dont even know if they've explored and went into that area of dense jungle i was going to go to.

I finished eating and headed down stairs to leave. I grabbed a bat which i used for breaking shit (so it looks pretty beat up). It'll do. As i exit my door i look around before heading further out towards the ocean.

It wasnt as windy today as usuall down here.
I keep walking down and stop just before my feet touch the water.
I then look down at them and slowly look back up to the ocean.
I take a slow deep breath feeling the breeze move my hair out of my face.

I stay there for a minute or two.  Just taking it in.
Last time ive been this close to the ocean i saw nothing but darkness below the waters. But its sunny today. And i can see a beautiful blue as the light passes through the body of water.

It doesnt look as scary as last time. Its more of a peaceful feeling.
you just want to lie there and let the current take you with it.

Maybe ill come back i thought. Swimming doesnt sound scary like this.

I was gonna stay there for a little longer but i realised i was yet to explore down the coastline.
And so i did.
I followed the edge of the ocean as it meets the sand and walked along the side.
I looked a round and in the water but  i found nothing unusall or interesting.

This is such a waste of my time i whispered under my breath.

I was so scared to leave for nothing. Theres  pounds of sand with water here. Thats it.

I decided to walk away from the water and walk up more to the middle by the sand.
On my left i could see the endless view of water and on the right a dense bush full of unknown creatures.

I sat down facing the ocean.

I listened to the waves which calmed me down. I was super nervous walking down here but there was no reason to be.
Nothing but earths habitat is here.

I dont know what i was expecting. I dinosaur.

I stayed there for a few hours before my eyes started feeling heavy.

I like it here i thought. Its calm and quite.
Its a great place to clear your mind.

Ill call this place my safe place. THE safe place.
Nothings bothering me here and i feel more relaxed than i usually do leaving my house.

Im coming here more often now.
Im kinda glad i chose the coast rather than the jungle.

I rest my head on the sand as i turn to face the ocean still.
I look into the distance one more time before slowly closing my eyes.
I didnt really focus on getting home, i was too tired for that.

I fell asleep as the sun set.


(Didnt re read) ~word count 950~
Its a shorter one than usuall but i promise eva and anna will meet in the next chapter.
I love you.

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