chapter 4: Eva

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(Present day.)

It been a good 2 years since that tramatic event happened.

I havent seen them since.

infact i havent seen anyone since.
And i have no idea where i am.
All i know is that im in a jungly area with a huge coastline and nothing but sea surrounding me.
When i first got here i freaked out for days.

I needed time to actually realise what was going on. i couldnt believe it.
I just got dumped on an island and left here.

No one visits, literally no one.

I get a food package thingy every few weeks but i have to save up food in order to survive.

They gave me a book,some clothes,a supply of water which lasted me 3weeks and some resourses which i need to survive.

I got abandoned and left to try and survive.

And i was struggling alot for the first 3months,but now im pretty used to living like this.
I got a good routine on saving the food and water yet still get the right amount i need to have energy. And i have been exploring quite alot.

Like i said i got a book but it was more like a note book since it had nothing in i decided that i was gonna somehow use it to tract where i have explored this place.

like a map.

except i cant draw maps.

But if im correct ive explored a good 2/3  of this place and im planning on moving on to the last third soon.
Thats the only area where ive heard  and felt activity other than the animals here.

I hear helicopters and alot of activity on that side of the island so ive been avoiding it. Maybe theres other people here.
But idk what they want or why they are here. Ive been keeping an eye on that area ever since i realised that i might not be alone.

Luckily whatever lives there doesnt leave that area so i pretty much have all the island to myself.

Theres nothing here except normal standard and terrifying creatures. But ive been bit,stunk,stabbed,scratched by pretty much everything so i know what to expect when i get close to a specific animal here.
Theres also teritories for the animals, like on the right theres the reptiles, HUGE insects/bugs and fish whereas on the left side its more mamals and birds.

If you havent guessed already i live on the mamals side.theres no way im surviving the night with those alien like flying creatures everywhere.
The mamals side is much bigger than the reptile and bug side too which is releiving.

The area i havent gone in yet is on the edge of the mamal side so bugs and some reptilian do tend to hang around there.

The coast covers up around half of the island but the rest is a sudden stop of land to deep sea.

The closest ive ever been to the area was a few feet,i was completely covered in leaves and dirt while army crawling across the floor.

I heard talking and i would have swarn one of them sounded like the guy with the blue rabbit mask..

It  replayed in my head when he said 'first one caught'.
I thought about that for a while.

What did he mean by 'first one', were they gonna kidnap and possibly kill others?

did they have a whole ass list.?

what did they do to them.?

Are they on the island.?

I had so many questions and ever since all that activity started happening on that side of the island i figured maybe someone else is kept here. But why would they visit who ever it is so often and actually talk and hang out with them.

I was really confused and too eager.

i held myself back for a long time because you never know what could happen.
Maybe they are protecting something.
Maybe they are waiting for
Or maybe im just over exaggerating and theres nothing there.

The food i get sent every month or so comes from that side of the island ,so maybe theres some sort of storage unit where all the things are. And thats why they are protecting it.

But why would they be protecting food? There must be something else. Something they dont want othes to see or know about.

I wonder why they put me here.

I dont remember anything after i got knocked out in the car.when the green masked guy grabbed my thigh.
I just woke up in what i thought was the middle of no where.
And i guess it is. But for me its not that unusuall anymore. Ive almost completely adapted ..sorta to my surroundings.
I got lucky for not being alergic to most of the plants and animals.otherwise i wouldve died already. The amount of times ive been pricked,bitten,scratched,stung is uncountable at this point. Especially when i first got brought here.

When i run out of food ,which i sometimes do, i tend to look for fruit trees and bushes.
Ive tried to kill a small rabbit, snake or bird ,but with my 'amazing' skills i never get far with it.

I used to try and swim around the island but its obviously to big so i split it up into chunks and worked out that it would take at least a week to manage. And when i say a week i mean all day and night of just swimming. And no ones got the strength and time for that.
Oh and theres also a huge group of sharks around the island which doesnt really morive me either. trust me ive tried.
The only reason i wanted to swim my  way around the island was because i thought i would explore more of the island in a quicker time.  Minus the inner side of the jungle where i obviously cant see from the water.

That was one stupid idea. But hey at least i didnt give up.
When i said i was scared to exlpore THAT side of the island i genuinly was.i just didnt want to cause any trouble with the masked people again. Last time wasnt the greatest experience.
But i feel like theres something there. Something that can possibly help me get out of here. And if that means i might get hunted and chased. Then so be it.

im not waiting anymore.

Tomorrow im going to the area and seeing what or who lives there.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
This ones a little all over the place too but i just wanted to make it longer.
~word count 1100~ (didnt re read so be nice)
I love you <3

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