Chapter 7

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Hey guys! So, I've decided, I'll keep re typing this, but still type the second book. Then the third. So the second one will be their summer and their freshman year in college. Then, the third book will be their senior year in college, plus Anna and Kristoff's junior year there, and then what happened after college. Anywho, on with the chapter.

❄️Jack's POV❄️

After lunch, Elsa and I headed to our Science class, then English, Music, and finally, Government.

"Good morning, class. My name is Mrs.Fevier. Now, I know you're all going to hate me for this, but you and a partner of your choice will think of a problem that you think should be a law, present it in front of the class and the principal, and whoever wins gets to go to our nation's Capitol and present it to the president, and he will decide if it should be a law." Everyone started running around trying to find a partner. I leaned over to Elsa.


"Partners." She stuck out her hand and we shook on it.

The teacher was going on and on about how a bill becomes a law, when finally, the bell rang.

"Hey! Wanna come over to my house to work on the project?" Elsa asked.

"Yeah, sure. Let me just text my uncle and let him know."

She drove in front of me all the way to her house.

"Hey! You're house is right next to mine! Looks like we're neighbours!" I exclaimed.

We walked into her house.

"My Aunt Lucille is on a business trip and Anna's at Punzie's house so it's just the two of us. Want something to drink?"

"Um... Coke would be nice. Thanks," I said. She handed me a can and we went up to her room.

Her room was amazing. It looked like it belonged on Tumblr.

The walls were painted light blue with white snowflakes, her bed was just a mattress on the floor in the corner with a bedding that matched the walls, and it had lots of pillows on it. In front of her bed was a mini flat screen tv, which was sitting on top of a fire place. Next to that, she had a white vanity with a MacBook Pro and makeup on it. She had a huge bathroom, and all over the walls were quotes like, "Humble Is Bold," "We Stopped Looking For The Monsters Under Our Bed When We Realised They Were Inside Our Heads," "Conceal, Don't Feel," and many others, and finally, a keyboard next to the fireplace.

"Woah!" I exclaimed in astonishment.

"What?" she asked, setting her bag in her closet.

"It's just, your room is so, woah!"

She giggled. "Well, thanks."

We talked about our project for a while. By the time we finished, it was 11:45 p.m.

"Do you just wanna spend the night and then go to the store after school tomorrow to get some stuff for the project?" she asked as she handed me a pillow and a blanket.

"Yeah. Let me just let my uncle know."

So, as I said before, I'm still going to type my other book, but I'm going to try and focus more on this one. Also, I hope you like the picture. I drew it myself and I'm really proud of it. Don't forget to:





Love ya!

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