Chapter 15

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❄️Jack's POV❄️

When Elsa walked out of the shower, she was wearing my #7 Steelers jersey, but no pants.

"Oh! We aren't wearing pants? I wish you would've told me sooner," I joked. She giggled and sat next to me. I leaned in to kiss her, but she stopped me.

"Have you heard from any colleges?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah. I got accepted in University of Pennsylvania," I said as I looked down.

"Omg! Me too! For personal offense law!" she squealed.

"Same!" She was so happy, that this time, she kissed me. Maybe, if things worked out, we would be together forever.

Elsa's POV

Jack and I talked about college and it turns out, we got accepted into the same one! I was so happy, I couldn't help but kiss him. My hands got really cold all of a sudden. I put them on his back underneath his shirt to try and warm them up. He stopped kissing me.

"Your hands are really cold," he chuckled.

"I know. I'm sorry," I said as I started to take them off his back.

"No. Leave them," he said. He started kissing me again. Slowly, he made his way to my jaw line, then my neck. I laughed because it tickled. I slowly started to close my eyes. He was about to kiss my shoulder when I realised what was about to happen.

"Jack, stop!" I exclaimed, and he did. I layed down and faced the wall.

"Elsa? You ok?" he asked.

"It's just..." I hesitated.

"You're waiting for the right guy," he finished.

"No, it's not that at all. You are the right guy. It's just, before my mother died, I promised her I'd wait until..." I paused.


"Marriage," I whispered.

"MARRIAGE?!? Elsa, I'm a guy! I have needs!" he shouted.

"You what?" I asked, trying not to cry. Ice started forming in my hands, my hair went from platinum blonde to white, like his. It was a sign that I was pissed.

"Can you guys keep it down in here? We're trying to sleep," Anna said as she opened the door.

"I'm sorry for keeping you up. But, don't worry, i was just leaving!" I grabbed my things and walked out of Jack's room.

Jack's POV

I ran after Elsa. I couldn't let her go. When I got to the sidewalk, it was pouring. I saw Elsa. I walked up behind her and grabbed her wrist, pulled her close to me, and kissed her.

"I will wait for you. No matter how long it will take." She started bawling and wrapped her arms around me. I picked her up and carried her back inside.

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