1 // the first message

167 9 1

8th of February 2015

Charlie sits on her bed legs crossed, flipping through her various notes and homework she had from today. She puts her earphones in and plays the song (If these sheets where the states By - All Time Low). 

Charlie hums as she writes down her math homework, Charlie was getting tired but she needed to finish it before tomorrow morning. Charlie checks the time and it was already 12:02am, She had been studying for over 3 hours because she had exams soon and she needed to pass. She gets a text on Kik and opens it to an unknown contact,

Luke.Hemmo - Send me your nudes?

Charlie1996 - who is this?

Luke.Hemmo - its me?

Charlie1996 - ?

Luke.Hemmo - Still wanna send some ;)

Charlie1996 - I'll block you



Hi, I'm Ellie. This is my first chapter on - Time a luke hemmings and Barbara Pavlin fan fiction. I hope you like it. I will be updating it weekly or more and it will be getting longer. I also have a trailer for it at the top. I hope you like it, Comment, Vote and please share.

I really hope you like it. :) xx Ellie

Time • l.hOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz