22 // new promise

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Charlie was nervous and exited and she wanted to look nice so she had a shower and got dressed into a white shirt and high-waisted shorts. (look to the right photo).

Charlie was going over to Steph's before everyone else, Charlie was really close to steph by now and she actually felt like she could talk to steph and feel comfortable. It felt easier to be with steph than any of her other friends charlie has or had.

Charlie skates to her house and steph comes out and gives her a hug, They run to the kitchen looking for oreos and they finally find some after looking for about 4 minuets. They go to the living room and charlie and steph lie down on the floor sit down next to each other eating there oreos.

"What about the future?"

"What do you mean?"

"What are you going to do? what do you want to do?"

"I don't know yet, go somewhere far away?"

"promise me something though?"


"Don't leave without telling me"

"Okay, promise"

Charlie and Steph looked at each other and laughed at there faces where covered in oreo cookies, they then relised he time at that it was 6:54 and there looked gross. They ran to the bathroom and wiped all the reminisce of the chocolate stains on there faces and touched up there make up.

Someone knocked at the door and they knew it was the girls or the guys because they where going to meet them at bondi but they changed there minds and they where meeting at Steph's house. They tried to act chill and opened the door relising that it was the girls and they burst out laughing. They got the bags ready making sure they had there wallets and phones and they all put there numbers on charlie's new phone.

Luke was late, about 10 minuets but he didn't like that, Michael and Calum ran around like children as Luke tried to get them for the 2nd time. luke was nervous and really wanted to talk to her about his feelings for her tonight.

Luke knocked on the door and her friend steph opened the door, luke scanned the room looking for Charlie in till she saw her walking into the room.



Luke started to blush and then walked of trying to hide it in awkwardness. The then left to go to bondi and the took 2 cars, 1 with Charlie, Steph and Michael and Ash and 2 with Luke, Calum, Brown and Nash. luke wasn't happy that michael was sitting next to her in the car without luke but luke wanted to act cool.

Charlie liked Michael he was funny and sweet and really cheeky but as a friend, she had feelings for luke and she couldn't deny that and she knew luke did not feel the same about her so she kept her feeling inside because she lost luke once and she didn't want there friendship to be ruined again.

"Charlie" Michael smirked

"Yes Michael" charlie laughs

"So are you and Luke together yet?"

"What? No..." Charlie defends

"So you don't like him?" michael shakes his head

"Where just friends" charlie says unsure

"No one believes that" everyone in the car agrees

"You like him" Steph nods

"He doesn't like me" Charlie coughs

"Fine, I'll prove it" michael smirks

"How?" Charlie tilts her head

"You and me are going to look like we are together"

"Michael" Charlie laughs

"Trust me, okay" Michael leans his head on her shoulder

"Fine....." Charlie says unsure



This is dedicated to one of my best friend Steph, who lives in Miami. Love you xx

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