24 // I want you to be mine

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Charlie woke up to the feeling of warmth and comfort, Charlie was lying in bed and it was a saturday. Yesterday was amazing Luke kissed her. Charlie pulls her phone off the charger and checks her resent messages, 

Luke.Hemmo - Hey Beautiful :)

Charlie1996 - Hey Lukey :)

Steph0009 - Come over tonight!

Charlie1996 - Yes, Lets make a night of it.

Steph0009 - Yes be over by 7 xx

Charlie1996 - C u then x :)

Charlie got up and got dressed into a white top and denim shorts. She was dressing casual as she walks down stairs, she see's Alex lying on the couch eating his coco puffs. Charlie walked into the kitchen and starts to make her coffee putting it in her favourite cup and goes to sit next to Alex on the couch.

"Hey Can I stay over at Josh's Tonight" Alex asked

"Don't you have a history report on monday" Charlie asked

"Please Charlie" Alex begged

"Okay, Okay but be back by 12 on sunday" Charlie smiled 

"Thank you Char, love you" Alex cuddled into charlie

"Love you too Kiddo" charlie smiled

Charlie and Alex watched Tv for about an hour as Charlie helped Alex with his homework for school on monday, charlie was smiling the whole time because Luke kept texting her when he should be rehearsing with Michael, Calum and ashton but he stupidly was texting charlie.

Luke.Hemmo - Save me

Charlie1996 - you wish :O

MichaelClifford - Stop Texting Luke

Charlie1996 - try telling him that

MichaelClifford - I have >O< 

Luke.Hemmo - Don't text Michael, text me

Charlie1996 - Luke.... I like you not him

Luke.Hemmo - I like you too :)

MichaelClifford - CHARLIE

Charlie1996 - MICHAEL

Charlie put down her phone thinking that it would be better so that Luke can work on practicing with his band and not on her. Charlie was happy but needed to finish 2 assessments for Tuesday.

The school is still letting charlie homeschool because everyone is just studying for there S.A.T.S instead of classes so she only needs to come to school for her finals but then she is home free. Charlie has lost contact with her old friend lia, apparently lia is friends with the popular group now and doesn't like charlie anymore but charlie didn't care she had Luke, Steph, Brown, Nash and Luke's friends and she was fine with that.

Charlie logged onto her lap top printing out her english collage essays for her early enrolment, charlie was sending them to the University Of London, NYU, Columbia University and her favourite UCL in London. 

Charlie put them into her fancy envelopes and wrote in her neatest writhing for the address, Charlie grabbed her skate board and she started to ride to the post box down the road. Charlie pulled up to post box and puts each envelope in at at time. 

Charlie rides back home, Charlie felt kind of upset because Luke didn't know that she was already sending her collage forms but if she wanted a good collage that she wanted she need to start today, Steph sent hers out yesterday and they where applying to the same schools, they had planed out that they wanted to go to collage together. 

Charlie just wanted to get out of her town and her whole life she wanted to get out and there is just one reason to stay and that was Luke but she couldn't stay and she promised herself that she wouldn't stay.

Luke.Hemmo - Can I come over tonight?

Charlie1996 - i'm leaving at 7

Luke.Hemmo - Can I come over now?

Charlie1996 - Sure :)

Charlie made another cup of coffee in waiting for Luke, she checked the time it was 4:30 so she had about 3 hours in till she had to leave for steph's house. Charlie waited for Luke by watching friends on Tv. she herd a knock at the door and walked over to the door, opening it to a smiling Luke. Luke walks in an ameaditly giving her a kiss, a steamy kiss. 

"I was not expecting that" Charlie giggled

"Me neither" Luke smiled

Charlie and Luke lied down on the couch legs intertwined as Luke gives charlie sweet little kisses, Luke was wondering was this was he wanted charlie to be his but he wanted to know if there was a us and if she wanted an us. Charlie didn't want to have a talk with luke because everything was great at the moment and she didn't want that to be ruined.

"Charlie, What is this? us?" luke asked and charlie turned around to look at him 

"Luke everything is so nice right now, I don't want to ruin it" charlie blinked

"Charlie, I want you to be mine" luke huddles into charlie 

"Luke, I just don't want this to be ruined" charlie says again

Luke gets up making charlie have to sit up too, luke was now looking straight into charlie's eyes and he wanted desperately for her to be his girlfriend and he had to ask because he knew that she was kind of scared of commitment.

"Charlie Rose Hayes, will you please be my girlfriend" luke asked her

"Lucas Robert Hemmings, I would love to be your girlfriend" charlie smiled 

Luke hugged her pulling her down back onto the couch again so that he was cuddling her and there legs where intertwined again as they watched friends and playing around.

Charlie was happy really happy and she didn't want anyone to ruin that not even her stupid self by ruining  how much happier she felt because of luke and she couldn't stop smiling at all, She was falling for him and falling for him hard. And she was always scared of falling because one day your going to fall and its if that person will catch you or not and she trusted luke and hoped that he was the one for her because she was happy for once. 


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