26 // 18th birthdays

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August 4th 2015

Charlie's 18th Birthday.

Charlie woke up to the warmth of the sun on her face and a loud buzzing from her phone ringing and she jumped out of bed, she walked over to her phone that was charging, it was Luke. Charlie smiled as she swiped to the call.


"Thanks Luke" Charlie laughed

"Feel old yet?" Luke asked

"like 100" Charlie laughs

" Tonight?" Luke asked

"Yep, Tonight" Charlie smiled

"See you then" Luke giggled

"Bye Luke" Charlie hanged up


Charlie was working though some work because she was getting ready for the HSC and wanted to get a good mark, they where taking it in 2 weeks and she was kind of freaked out, so was Steph they cancelled there plans to go to the fair because Alex is sick with the flue and the fair was closed because it was raining the other day and some of the rides got damaged.

Charlie was waiting for Steph to turn up and just hang out for her birthday, She was happy, She was thinking that this was going to be her first time with Luke, with anyone. She was going to loose her viginity to Luke and she was happy about that because she truly loved Luke and she was ready.

Luke was scared if charlie wasn't ready to have sex for the first time with Luke, Luke has had sex once before but he was drunk and didn't remember a lot of it, it was with Juliet. Luke wanted it to be special and with Charlie it would always be special.

Luke was scared that she would say no or would say that Luke was bad, Luke was insecure about that but he didn't want to presume that they where going to have sex but Luke really wanted to because he love her and wanted to take the next step with there relationship. He was ready he just hoped that she was but he would get it if she wasn't, and Luke wouldn't rush it for her. Luke knew that she hasn't had sex before and Luke was happy about that knowing that she was his and that she was inexperienced.

Charlie waited for Steph and brown to turn up so they could have a girls day and that's all Charlie wanted for her birthday. Charlie grew up as a tom boy and never really had girl time. Charlie hurt a knock at the door and she wen't down stairs to answer the door, knowing it was Steph and brown.

"Happy Birthday Bitch" Steph shouted

"Hey Steph" Charlie laughed

Steph and brown walk past charlie and without saying enough word they walked upstairs and into charlie's room. Steph starts to pull things out of her bag including, Gossip Girls season 1 and a big make up bag.

Charlie looked at Steph and rolled her eyes, Charlie wasn't the type of girl to have a cake face of makeup. She usually put on a bit to feel better about herself. Charlie looked over the various piles of makeup that Steph had poured on her bed just then. She picks up a brown lipstick. Steph looked at her with a grin, Steph desperately wanted to give Charlie a makeover but Charlie always said No, but because tonight was going to be special Charlie agreed.

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