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Your heart was beating so loudly inside of your chest that it felt like a drum was being played right next to your ears. Your face was extremely close to Taehyung's and, even though you had no feelings for him, the closeness still caused you nervousness. What the hell? you frowned as you finally realised what he had told you. Doesn't he have a girlfriend? you pushed him away by pressing your hands on his chest. "You wish."

Taehyung scoffed. "What makes you think I'd wish to do it?"

"I saw it in your eyes, you wanted to kiss me" you stated, mainly because you wanted to tease him, but also because you wanted to hear him say something like I have a girlfriend and tell him that she was cheating on him. Maybe.

"Well, I see you're pretty confident, but let me break it to you" he took a step closer to you, but this time he only lowered his head to look in your eyes, not a centimetre of his body touching yours. "I have no desire to kiss those lips, trust me" he spoke directly on your mouth, and you would've preferred it if he had a stinky breath, because that way you wouldn't have fantasised about kissing him.

You gulped, feeling his nose almost touching yours. Shit, this wasn't supposed to happen.

Taehyung smirked because of your sudden nervousness and straightened his back. He threw a glare at you before walking away with a proud smile. "Now hurry."

Conceited bitch, you thought as you stomped your foot on the ground. You were angry at yourself for falling for his little trick - why did I let my guard down? Geez... it's all because of his big eyes and deep voice, damn it. Anyway, you followed him and continued talking to him, acting as if nothing had happened. "Have you ever thought that you attitude might annoy the people around you?"

Taehyung didn't answer. He obviously didn't even care.

"Oh, come on" you whined and run for a few metres because he started walking too fast. "You forced me to come with you, the least you can do is talk to me."


"You're so bad, seriously" you snorted and crossed your arms against your chest, fastening your pace to ignore him. I won't even try anymore.

Taehyung scoffed behind you, ready to tease you. "Slow down, Usain Bolt, we have to turn right."

"I know."

"Yes, that's why you were going straight" he commented with a sarcastic tone which made you want to punch him.

You were so annoyed by his behaviour that you didn't even pay attention to the road anymore. "Can you continue ignoring me as-"

"Watch out!" Taehyung screamed and immediately wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you away from the road and against his body.

Your back hit his chest harshly, and you closed your eyes, flinching when you heard a loud and long horn coming from a car passing right in front of you, very fast. You were so startled and shocked that you kept your eyes closed and face covered for a while; your hands were slightly trembling, while your heart was pounding.

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