6: Silence

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You wake up when you feel your body moved and lifted off the couch. Your eyes shoot open and meet Giorno's, "the couch is no place for you to sleep" he remarks. Before you can answer in any way he kisses the top of your head and whispers "Narancia's stand spotted someone watching the windows. Do not speak."

Squirming to resist being carried proved futile. It got worse once Giorno carried you passed your room to his, 'What is going on' you use your stand to communicate.

'Bella, your room has a window that looks towards the street. You will stay in my room until we have the spy' He turned to see Bruno in the hall, "We will be taking our dinner in my room" you blushed and tried to push out of his arms again, "I wish to spend some alone time with my Flower", he holds you tighter.

"Understood sir" Bruno replies as he continues to walk towards the kitchen.

Once the two of you arrived in his room he plopped you onto the bed and sat beside you. There was only silence for what felt like an eternity, Giorno was tense and he had mainly brought you in here to keep you safe. After about 20 minutes of silence Trish knocked on the door. She and Abbacchio entered with food.

"The spy has been retrieved and is in captivity, boss." Abbacchio spoke, "Bruno is doing the initial interrogation now."

"Good" Giorno sighed, "After our meal I will come, Trish I will call you to stay next to ______ then, she doesn't have experience in fighting so she can't be alone with an enemy near"

"of course, boss", they continued to stand just inside the room.

"We are going to eat first. You two go eat while you can as well, until we get all the intel out of our new guest you all will have to keep watch" he reminded them. At that they exited the room and shut the door, you could hear Trish begin to complain as they walked down the hall.

The aura around Giorno had calmed now that the onlooker was captured, but everyone had to stay on guard so you had to continue in silence. Dinner was a simple lasagna tonight because there was less time to prepare with a prisoner in the basement of the mansion.

"Was it good, fiore?" Giorno spoke up. You nod while continuing to look only at your now empty plate, "look at me." he commanded.

You look up and meet his gaze, feeling a blush forming you begin to look away, but Giorno catches your chin in his hand and forces you to continue looking into his eyes. This moment was overwhelming. For so long you were not allowed to make physical contact with boys at school to keep you as "pure" as possible, now you are in a man's room alone, sharing a meal, in close proximity, and he initiates contact with you so often. The most overwhelming part was how natural it felt. While these thoughts stirred in your head he leaned in and kissed you gently.

Out of shock your hand flew up and slapped him across the face. You realized what you had done and jumped away, covering your mouth.

"Come here" his voice was stern but you didn't move. Since you defied the order he jumped to you and pinned you against the bed, leaning close to your ear he said, "While I admit I got carried away do not forget, you aren't here to be an actual slave, you are here to save your sisters and friends. You have to learn to control these knee jerk reactions to innocent signs of affection. I don't want to have to hurt you if you did that in front of our enemies."

"Boss!" the door flew open, Trish and Bruno entered. They ignored the awkward state of the two of you and continued, "we need both of you. Our captive claims to be one of the orphan girls."

A/N: Hey, long time no update

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A/N: Hey, long time no update. close to a year. Im sorry it has been so long. I got busy, then when i stopped being busy i realized i was kinda homesick and got kinda depressed, then a bunch of stuff happened, i broke up with my longtime boyfriend, accidentally ended up in  a new relationship, then the school year started again and so i am busy again.  Yay teaching in a foreign country during a pandemic.......

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