7: interrogation

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"Boss, I know the original plan was for ______ to be kept safe with Trish, but I believe we need her to be able to get the truth out of our guest."

continuing the silent act you waved your hand to get Bruno's attention. He, Trish, and Giorno look at you and you gesture at your face, attempting to ask "what does she look like".

"Blonde wavy hair, skinny build, small but sharp nose, slightly thin lips, high cheekbones, blue hooded eyes, mostly straight eyebrows, and about my height" Trish answers your question.

you tilt your head sideways and point at your eye. Blue eyes was the only thing that doesn't fit the description of who you thought it was. All the other features match a girl that was "adopted" about 3 years ago. You write on a piece of paper to explain.

"Clara Maria" Bruno reads, "That is different from the name she gave us, probably like your name in the orphanage."

You nod.

"We still don't know if we can trust her. You will have to continue acting like this is new knowledge"

You shrug and follow the group downstairs to what seemed like a dead end. It was a secret door hidden behind a rack of wines.

"This way" Bruno gestured to the opening door, "we didn't use this entrance for our guest, but we don't have to go all the way around."

As you get closer you can hear "I have nothing else to say to you. Where is she?"

"Why exactly are you adamant to see my treasure?" Giorno asks as you all walk in.

"Ceasira! You're okay" she smiles, "I heard on the streets that a girl with your description was here. I had to come and check"

This was Clara. However a lot seemed off to you. Clara was extremely prideful, the day she was adopted she outright told you and the others she didn't care to see you again. 'Enjoy your time rotting away here, I'm going to go live the high life with my new family. Don't bother trying to contact me if you get out, I don't care and I don't know you.' She had always hated her circumstances at the orphanage, she was fro a well off family before they were in an accident. Concern for others without personal gain isn't who she is.

Clara continued to speak, "Are they hurting you, sweet sister? I found out about the illegal adoptions only recently, my family is just normal city folk and I happened to see Sarah with some shady characters while we were out one afternoon. I found a way to distract them long enough to ask her what was going on."

You stared at her, unsure of what expression to show. This was all lies. You know this voice well, Clara would use it to seem innocent to the nuns.

"You saw Sarah?" you mouthed. Sarah had been adopted only a month before you.

Then Clara's 'I win' expression flashed, "yeah and I helped her get away to safety"

That was the last of her lies you could take for the day. Without thinking you slapped her across the face. All the others in the room were confused until Clara spoke again.

"So you are still as perceptive, good to know" she laughed, "Wanna know the truth? I saw her running and I tricked her into getting caught. You were always the only one that could see through me."

Your body continued to move on it's own. You took the pistol from Bruno's hip and held it to her head, "You traitorous bitch. You were confident you would live the high-life because you joined them."

"You can talk?" was the first thing that came out of her mouth, then she snapped back into the moment, "What are you going to do? shoot me? You can't because you need me, I know where they all are. If you shoot me you will never find them."

"And if I let you live our plan is ruined" Yet again your body acted on its own and you pulled the trigger.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?" Mista screams.

"She was lying. She saw Sarah by chance and lead her to either torture or death. She doesn't know where any of the others are. If she did they wouldn't let her be caught so easily."

"So she was likely just a well paid blood hound. Used to keep others from getting away." Bruno looked at you standing over the chair, he took the gun back, "I'm sorry, ______."

Right about then your actions caught up with you, the rage had gone away and you realized you were standing over the person you had just killed. The feelings inside you were overwhelming, there was still rage, there was sadness, and fear. All of this together just became shock, it was too much to process. Your vision started going black and you passed out.

Before you hit the ground Giorno caught you, he asked Trish to clean you off and put you in bed.

Before you hit the ground Giorno caught you, he asked Trish to clean you off and put you in bed

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I have strayed from what i originally wrote so this is less coherent than i would prefer. I am going to try to upload things more consistently at least for a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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