4: For the Boss

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"It is time for you to meet him."

You follow Bruno back downstairs, through the foyer, past what seems to be a living room, then a huge formal dinning room, and the kitchen. Then you turn down another hallway with a giant solid wood set of double doors at the end of it. The door was a dark stained mahogany with intricate carvings, it didnt match the other doors in the house so it is likely it was changed when Passione began using this house. When the two of you were in front of the door, Bruno knocked and announced your presence before he opened the door and gestured for you to enter.

The desk chair was turned away from the door, "Hello sir, it is a pleasure to formally meet" you say cautiously to the dark leather.

The chair turns, "I assure you the pleasure is all mine, bella" Giorno says.

"Giorno? Are you really the Don?" your confusion fully visible while your head goes through how you vowed your life thinking he was just a trusted gaurd, "You aren't much older than me, right? You don't look any more than 20."

"Correct, I am 19, the story of how this came to be is one for another time" he tents his hands and looks at you, "First, I need you to swear to me. Even if God himself came down in support of our enemy, you will be loyal to me."

You bow to him, "I, _______, swear on my life."

"Get up." he speaks calmly, "the second matter is that of my meeting with their leader. This won't be a simple encounter, our conversation will lead to their end. However since I have you, a 'product' as they would say, we will have to put on a show. Your abilities and insight can't be known, but I also want to have you present for our meeting."

"That should be easy enough. I have been silent for 4 years already, boss" 

"But you haven't had to silently act as a slave." Giorno looks directly into your eye, "Come here."

You walk and stand next to his chair, "Yes?"

Too quickly for you to process, he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you to his lap. You squeak then freeze. "Bella, were you able to make such noises before? It is very likely whoever is coming to our meeting will know who you are."

"I used my stand to make it seem like whatever disease I had caused immense damage to my vocal folds. The doctors said based on what they saw I could only speak again after surgery, he never ruled out every sounds but I usually didn't scream or squeak when scared."

"________" Giorno grabs your chin and turns your face to his, "If you didn't make a certain sound at the orphanage, don't make it when they come."

You blush at this intimate proximity, "but..."

"No buts. If we want to have this advantage you will have to be a mute, broken slave when they see you. I will not take this too far." He looks into your eyes again causing the blush to deepen, "Also, bella, try not to look so cute. It will be hard to let you leave if you make me fall for you."

If you didn't get out of this position soon you might pass out from all the blood rushing to your face. Squirming in his embrace, he chuckles darkly and holds you tighter. "This already seems like too much for me" you complain.

"Now, now, Fiore, the struggling is fine but you can't talk. Our enemy will find out the real reason I chose you. As punishment you have to stay here longer." He moves you so that you are sitting more comfortably, less of an awkward straddle, "now stay here and keep me warm while I work. This is supposed to help desensitize you so you can be quiet."

At this point you bite your tongue. While he is right this seems a little fast. After about 10 minutes of sitting in silence while he did paperwork Mista came in. 

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