3: Him

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There you are, in front of three men that you now work for and with. Giorno smiled at you, you are still unaware of his position and what you just promised to his face.

"Giorno, Abbacchio, our business here is done. I will return in a few days to finalize the adoption" Bucciarati spoke, startling you slightly.

"Well then, ciao bella, we shall see you soon" Giorno smiled. You bow your head slightly and put away your stand. 

Later that day you and the other girls were told the news of your adoption at dinner. They were all excited for you, a few of the younger girls cried because they wouldnt see you again. You had to officially rescend your minor vows to study to be a nun and that allowed the freedoms that other girls had. You could wear other clothes besides the school uniform and your habit but you didn't have much else. Another one fo the older girls gave you some of her clothes. You spent the next week preparing for the day your "parents" would come to retrieve you.

After a week filled with goodbyes and awkwardly being placed in a different class at school, it was time for them to come. You were in your school uniform already when Father Judah said they would be picking you up without you going to school. It was a little helpful to have been placed into a regular class temporarily, you were less uncomfortable in the presence of men, at least you thought you were.  The school is also run by the church so any students that plan to join the clergy are seperated from the other students. All the guys planning to join the priesthood were in one class and all the girls planning to be nuns were in another. You sat and thought about all the friends and sisters you would potentially never see again. Alone in the dinning hall, waiting for your "new parents" to sweep you away for you to join Passione. All your friends were in class right now, waiting for the period to end and their few minutes of break to start.

You know almost nothing about any of these people, the Don (or the person you assumed was the Don) seems to be quite a bit older than you. The gaurds he had with him seemed to have a weird variety in personality. The taller and older mad with long hair was very rough in his speech, it feels like he has a weight on his heart that might never lift. The younger man was very kind yet serious, it seemed like his dreams were just starting to come to fruition. You didn't get to speak to the Don for very long so you havent had a chance to read him. The air around him was good though, so you were certain of your safety.

"Ceasira" you look up in response to the sister who spoke, "They have arrived, you can look out the window to see them" you nod a yes and stand from your chair.

The man you thought was the Don was there with a woman, a fake wife, to make this adoption seem legitamate. Father Judah went outside to meet them at their car. After he greeted the two he began to lead them to you. Sitting back down at the table next to your suitcase you waited the few seconds for the door to open.

"These are your new parents Ceasira, all there is left to be done is your new father needs to sign the last few papers" he smiled, there was an evil glint behind it but you just ignored it, "thn you can go to your new home." he ushered Bruno to follow him and told the wife she could wait here with you.

"So your name is Ceasira? It is a lovely name" the woman spoke 'I also have a stand and the boss said you have one as well' she smiled.

'I do. Also Ceasira is my middle name, _______ is my actual name.'  you respond in silence

'Oh, an even prettier name! It fits you well. I cant wait until we are in the car and I dont have to hold this fake face any longer. It is so tiring and I hate that I had to make myself look old.'

'How old are you?

'I just turned 19 this year'

'Oh so you are 2 years older than me'

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