XXII. June 24th, 1944. Carentan, France.

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June 24th, 1944. Carentan, France.

Georgia walked briskly down the hall, the din from the three men inside letting her know just what she was in for. She shook her head but smiled nonetheless, knowing she'd be happier with the company. Soon enough, she breezed into her office with her arms full of work to do. She kicked the door shut behind her. Dick jumped, but Harry and Lew didn't.

Dick had been leaning against the wall beside the door while Lew sat in one of the chairs across from her desk. To his left sat Harry.

"Harry, get your filthy jump boots off of my desk," Georgia said. In her arms was a stack of manila file folders - undoubtedly intelligence reports.

"Of course, madam," said Harry. He slid his boots off the desk and took a long drag from his cigarette before smiling up at Georgia.

She sighed and rolled her eyes before dropping down into her chair. The midday sun filtered through the open window at her back, and it made her hair shine. She shrugged off her jacket and draped it across the back of her chair before speaking.

"You got a smoke to spare, Welshy?"


Harry fished his pack of Lucky Strikes from his pocket and passed a cigarette to Georgia. She leaned forward, and Harry lit it for her. She smiled, took a long drag, and sighed contentedly.

"You're a gentleman, Harry. Kitty's a lucky woman."

"Just a gentleman?" asked Lew. "Not a scholar as well?"

"No, that'd be you, Lew," said Georgia.

"Well, what's Dick then?"

Georgia looked him up and down, then smirked. "He's the muscle. And the handsome one, too."

Dick blushed furiously and ducked his head, but not before seeing Georgia blow him a small, flirty kiss. Harry laughed and Lew whistled, and Dick just shook his head. Georgia shot him a wink, and he blushed even harder.

"Well, gents, what brings you to my office today?" Georgia asked before taking another drag from her cigarette.

"Bored," Harry said as he reached over towards Lew. The latter produced his trusty flask and downed a sip of Vat 69 before passing it to Harry.

"You're all bored, or you're specifically bored and dragging everyone else down along with you?" asked Georgia.

"Second one, I suppose."

Georgia rolled her eyes and picked up her pen in preparation to tackle the paperwork before her.

"We can go somewhere else if you'd like," said Dick.

"No, no," Georgia said with a wave of her hand. "As long as you're all quiet, then I'll be alright. I reserve the right to force you out later, though."

"Fair enough," Lew said.

A comfortable silence soon descended over the occupants of the room. Harry and Lew continued to share drinks, while Dick looked around the room, the out the window. He'd sat himself up atop a table next to the doorway, kicking his legs like a child would while sitting on the edge of their front porch. Georgia caught the motion out of the corner of her eye and smiled.

The only noises to be heard were the scratching of pen on paper and the birds chirping outside. If they were at a battalion or company HQ building their ears would be filled with the sounds of military life, but regimental officers had the privilege of avoiding such nuisances.

Minute by minute, Georgia pushed herself to complete her paperwork. Harry was the first to cave, wandering out of the room about 30 minutes after Georgia had begun. Lew followed suit a few minutes later, but Dick remained.

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