XIII. October 29th, 1943. Aldbourne, England.

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October 29th, 1943. Aldbourne, England.

The grey skies over Aldbourne looked like they would burst open with rain any second, and Georgia quickened her pace. The rain had become a regular occurrence since the 506th's arrival and integration into British society, but that didn't mean that Georgia was enjoying it. It matted her hair down to her face and weighed down her already heavy wool uniform.

"Rain is awful," Georgia reiterated aloud, to her audience of none. She'd spent the morning in intelligence briefings with Colonel Sink, discussing possible drop zones and dangers that lay ahead, and now she walked briskly towards 2nd Battalion's HQ. They knew that the 506th would be jumping into France - the Nazis suspected Calais - but that seemed too obvious.

Eventually, she would learn all of the details. Well, not all of them. That was left to Division intelligence staff and SHAEF. The day she learned all the details of a deployment would most likely be around the same time that Captain Sobel learned how to how to read and to orient himself on a map.

As Georgia strolled down the stone street, she realized that today was most definitely not that day.

"Hi-yo silver!" Sobel shouted as he led Easy Company's 1st platoon in a jog up a road that appeared to already be cut by 2nd and 3rd platoons. Georgia quirked a brow as he continued to run forward and eventually stopped when he spotted the other paratroopers. She let a small, gentle smile cross her face as Sobel looked around in confusion.

With a shake of her head and a sigh, Georgia kept walking.

The officers saluted, the enlisted stood at attention, and Sobel nodded to her.

"Captain Fenley."

"Captain Sobel."

Dear Lord, that man was on thin ice.

He ruined every tactic and had no common sense - Marian had labeled him as a death sentence to the men of Easy Company, and Georgia trusted her friend's judgment.

She needed a way to get him out, but an opportunity had yet to present itself.

Finally, the 2nd Battalion HQ building came into view, overrun by cows. Major Strayer walked about looking most affronted, and Georgia stopped at the foot of the steps. Strayer spotted her quickly enough and dogged a large black cow as he walked over to her.

"Major," she said, saluting, struggling not to laugh.

"Captain Fenley, how may I help you?"

"Just an intelligence briefing for Lieutenant Nixon, sir. If you'd be so kind as to give it to him?"

"Of course," Strayer said, "Is there anything else?"

"Nothing that can't wait until after you deal with your," Georgia paused, searching for a word, "visitors."

"It was Easy Company," he said.

"Who else?" she offered sarcastically, just as Captain Sobel came striding past.

"If you'll excuse me," Strayer said.

Georgia nodded, and went back the way she'd come. As she passed green pastures and small stone walls, she heard Sobel explaining how Major Horton had given him orders to cut a farmer's fence.

"Goddamnit," Georgia muttered, suddenly walking much faster. She cut through an open pasture, her jump boots glistening with dew.

There! 1st platoon stood just ahead alongside the rest of Easy Company.

"Sergeant Luz!" Georgia called out.

No one else in the company could have done an impression of Major Horton convincing enough to fool Sobel.

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