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Warning - mature content.

"Gulf! I can't! My injuries"

"Come on. I'll be gentle"

"When have you ever been gentle?"

"I'll show you. Just let me love you"

The two men were hidden away in one of the Jongcheveevat's rural holiday homes in a secluded corner of the waterfall-laden forests of Khao Yai National Park.

Investigations into the scandal were ongoing, but little could be done productively until the crux of the issue - either the source or the motive - had been identified. So at the pleas of Mew's Mae and Phor, the pair had agreed to remove themselves from the harsh spotlight of Bangkok and 'lie low' to avoid fanning the flames of damaging gossip. It was a "No comment" situation for everyone involved, for the time being at least. Until they could strike back.

They had not had sex for eight days - an unwelcome new record for a couple who typically would not go more than one or two without mutual craving or release.

Resting now on a futon mattress in only their boxer briefs, the air was balmy, fragrant with the flowers that grew richly in the surrounding forest, jasmine and clematis woven in ribbons around the pillars and posts of the large balcony that opened up into the living room they occupied.

Mew's body displayed its war wounds. Dusky purple bruises flushed his left side and rib cage, and pristine white bandages were wrapped tightly around his core - protecting the area that had been attended to in surgery. He had a sling to rest his shoulder too - it lay discarded on the adjacent table.

They had eaten a dinner of crispy pork stir fry, and retired to the low mattress to watch a film, Mew choosing a comedy in the secret hope that it might make Gulf smile. He was worried about his mate, could sense the omega's swirling discontent. In fact, he had just then taken the decision totry to talk more openly to Gulf about his feelings over the last few days, when Gulf himself suddenly climbed astride him.

"Just let me love you" - those words from the younger man. How could Mew refuse him? His broken body may have been aching, but it ached more for his distant lover, just wanting to draw him back in close again. To melt those icy walls that had frozen solid once more.

True, Gulf had not let Mew out of his sight since the accident, but he had also increasingly not been fully 'present', Mew thought. The omega could be so difficult to read at times, even for his mate. It surely came from all of the years he had spent alone in the world, Mew reflected with a stab to his heart.

They were both already excited - that's what eight days of abstinence would do to these boyfriends - the outlines of their hard cocks bulging insistently against the fabric of their tight underwear. Slowly, carefully, Gulf began to grind his buttocks down against Mew's groin, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from the elder man.

Mew's hands went to Gulf's hips and he traced upwards until resting in the curve of his waist. What a body his omega had - he could never look at that 's line' without marvelling at the shape of the man. So unique, so beguiling. All his. The thought pushed Mew on, drawing a further groan, and he found himself actively pushing Gulf's ass down onto himself. It hurt, the tensing of his injured body and stretching of wounded muscles, but the pleasure and re-connection building between them in that moment was worth anything to Mew. Anything at all.

Rubbing and stroking and seeking - they were Mew's cock to Gulf's ass above him, dry humping like teenagers, dark patches of precum soaking across the front of their boxers.Gulf leant forward, resting his hands either side of Mew's head to take his weight, avoiding putting pressure anywhere on Mew's body. Anywhere except his cock. And from this position he lowered his head towards the alpha, dragging his full lips down over Mew's forehead, along the straight bridge of his nose, until finally he reached his mouth. Mew was ready, waiting. He took possession of Gulf's pouting plumpness and kissed him long, hard and wet - until both pulled away to gasp air into their lungs.

It felt so good for them, being together again. After all, their sex had always been about more than mind blowing fucks - it was a coming together of emotions, an expression of themselves in that given moment.

"Can I do it now Phi?" Gulf asked with typical bluntness, his voice breathy with heat.

"Go slowly, Nong", Mew smiled dizzily back - eyes glinting in challenge.

Having removed both sets of underwear and located the bottle of lube in his suitcase, Gulf was swiftly back to climb aboard his man. With lube on his fingers, he began to play with himself, inserting them into his passage with sultry dark eyes fixed magnetically on those of his faen.The alpha rested his head back and watched with a slanted gaze, licking his lips as Gulf worked on himself, stretched himself in preparation for what was to come.

Finally, after some time playing voyeur, the elder man reached for his lover's cock and began to palm and massage him, up and down, over the head, smearing glistening precum in his hand's wake. Then he stroked his length more firmly, pumping at a steady but agonisingly laborious pace.

Gulf was climbing higher, beginning to reach that level where he felt intensely frustrated at anything other than Mew's cock.

"Mmmm...fuuuuck yes" he moaned as he gyrated in circular motions against the straightness of his own fingers, Mew's hand still working punishingly at his erection.The alpha's eyes raked once more over the younger man's body as he moved above him. The body-wave movements as he began to lose his composure, the fire in his eyes, the hot blush to his cheeks. That smooth, caramel skin, those long, long, legs that straddled his own body. Mew couldn't help but bite down roughly on his lower lip, his mind wild with thoughts of all the things he would do to him once his own body had healed.

"Does it feel good tua-aeng? Do you like the feeling of pleasuring yourself while Phi is pleasuring you too? All of the focus is on you, my beautiful".

"Ooohhhhh", Gulf was nearing the edge - praise during sexual acts always sent a searing heat through his body.

With his hole now begging to be filled, the omega removed his fingers and lubed up the eager cock directly below him with his own slick and desire. Then he positioned himself with Mew's hard flesh against his entrance, and pushed downwards, eyes closed, feeling every inch as it completed him.

The room around them had been silent - the film having long since ended - but now their moans seemed to echo and bounce, wall to wall. With 'Oh's' and 'Ah's' and 'Mm's', the two began the tantric dance of lovers, dance of mates.

Whilst Mew lay still, urging on his omega as he continued to admire the glorious view - his own private show - Gulf impaled himself tantalisingly slowly, over and over and again. Up and down he moved on the alpha's cock, the length and girth of it hitting his sweet spot and sending his eyes rolling back into his head as he groaned:

"My alpha".

Soon both men were wild with need and Gulf was moving faster, harder, the sounds of skin slapping against skin joining their sexual vocalisations in the air around them.

"Ouch! Shia, gently tua-aeng!", Mew pleaded with the younger man as he began to buck and grind vigorously against the elder's groin with cock deep inside his channel.

"I...can't...go slowly. Need to come. Aaargghh", Gulf was losing control, fast.

And Mew was...overjoyed. Overjoyed to see his faen letting go like himself again - no hint of the uncertainties that had seemed to cloud his face relentlessly in recent days.

"Ok, you do whatever you need to, my sexy one", Mew chuckled gently in breathy consent - he would take the pain, gladly, for that.

And so Gulf rode freely - feral and untamed - screaming out uninhibited as he slammed down faster, faster, harder, faster, until his body began to quake and his cock to pulse and the hot seed spilled out of him in projectile, reaching his mate's smooth, muscular chest, and spoiling his fresh bandages.

Mew came in the same moment, gritting his teeth and grabbing fistfuls of the sheet below him as he claimed the hole of the omega with his powerful release.

Their duetting cries of strangled ecstasy rocketed into the atmosphere, whooping and spiralling, tearing their way through the pine-cherry pheromones that floated, cloud-like, all around.

After some moments to steady himself, Gulf climbed off and they lay back down alongside each other on the futon, gasping and sweaty, fingers entwined together. Rapture hummed around the elegant wooden house as it nestled there amongst the exquisite natural wonders of its setting. Peace, at last.

You Are Every Season - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now