Twenty three

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Warning - mature content!


Gulf felt the familiar slowing of his heart rate, that shift to a mating beat as he danced for his faen - Mew's hungry gaze fixed on his body, feeding on it's every movement.

Stalking the metal pole, the omega trailed his fingers along the smooth vertical surface, caressing and stroking and - for a fleeting moment - licking. Then he gripped the silver length more tightly and swung himself forwards to rotate around its centre, dropping to crouch low and then slowly, tantalisingly tracing his way back upwards to alternately arch his back and roll his groin forwards in a seductive wave of motion. He repeated the sequence, three times, four times, five times. Intoxicating.

As he moved, Gulf's hardening erection strained insistently against the unforgiving tightness of his black skinny jeans - clearly visible - but he danced on, in love with this moment and this feeling.

Twisting, revolving, spiralling, twining. He could feel his lover's eyes on him all the while - undressing him, desiring him. "Ahhhh", the omega's breathing grew heavier, hedonistic. The pounding beat of the club's music providing a rhythm to his act as he closed his eyes, leaning back against the pole and gyrating in sensual trance.

Suddenly there were strong arms around his waist from behind, and the deep, urgent words of his mate at his ear:

"Sex. Come with me. There are rooms".


Even as the door closed behind them, they were already at each other. Kissing greedily, noisily, lips smacking as they clutched at one another's face. First Gulf was slammed up against the wall, then Mew - yelping at the pain from his barely-healed injuries - then Gulf again, as the two men fought to dominate the kiss and deepen every friction between their bodies.

At last, a ceasefire. Mew reached his hands to the back of Gulf's thighs, and - instinctively understanding the intention - the younger man wrapped his arms around the elder's neck and jumped up so that his legs were entwined about his partner's hips, groins moulded together, hard as rocks.

And Mew pressed Gulf back into the wall with the weight of his body, as he kissed and scented and breathed against him. Rubbing, pushing, grinding between the younger man's open thighs until the omega's moans took on that whiny edge and told his mate that he was ready, he was in need.

As they rushed to remove their clothes, Mew pulled a condom from the back pocket of his trousers.

"No", said Gulf abruptly on seeing it.


"Don't. I want to feel you"

"But Gulf, it's still only a few days since we marked each other. You know what P'Min said. Your cycle blockers on their own might not be enough..."

"I...don't mind" - he was blushing.

"What?", Mew's eyes were wide and heart beating quickly now - adrenaline coursing through his veins, jostling with the haze of alcohol as he tried to make sense of the sudden disclosure. "We haven't really talked about this tua-aeng. I mean, you know that I've always said how much I love children...but I didn't know that you had ever even thought about it, I..." - he was grasping for the right words. The rational, responsible words that he knew he should say - somehow Gulf always made him forget them.

The omega closed the gap between them until they were standing almost nose to nose - naked and erect as they were - and, looking up through long eyelashes he said simply, firmly:

"I want to have your children".

Mew inhaled sharply, running a hand through the back of his hair. Those words, spoken by that mouth, coming from that person. Pheromones sky rocketed between the two as he wondered, genuinely, whether his heart might burst. Focus. He couldn't. Fuck, he wanted to so badly, as his minds eye flooded with fantasies - dreams - of Gulf carrying his baby. But not now, not like this...he had to be sure that it was what his omega really wanted.

"We're both drunk, Gulfie. I'm so, so, happy and I love you so much. But let's save special moments for when our heads are clear. Is that ok?", Mew's voice was full with adoration, devotion, as he placed a soft kiss on the omega's lips.

A pause for reflection.

And then as he looked back into his alpha's eyes, Gulf nodded, knowing that he was right - he always was. But...he had also meant what he said, drunk or not. He wanted to bear that man's children, wanted to build a family together - something he had never really thought much about in his life. But Mew made his world bigger, didn't he? He had uncovered a side of Gulf that had long been buried in hurt and fear. A side...that was ready for all kinds of love. As long as it was with his Mew.

And this realisation only made his body beg yet more fiercely for the touch of his mate. So he took the condom and rolled it onto Mew's waiting cock, before backing up against the wall - eyes on the other's, plump lips parted in anticipation - asking to be lifted and taken.

Within seconds he was crying out in ecstasy as Mew slid into his body expertly, aided by the slick
that had been pooling since the moment Gulf first touched that pole.

The alpha began to move inside him, rough and forceful, building up rhythm quickly as the emotions within crescendoed to a deafening, awesome cacophony. Thrust, thrust, thrust. Images flashed in Mew's mind. Thrust, thrust, thrust. Gulf's hips swinging as he walked, Gulf's pink tongue licking the metal pole, Gulf's legs wrapped around his waist. Gulf telling him he wanted to have a family with him.

"Ohhh, I'm gonna cum soon, I'm close", Mew gasped. He was just so full, so full of every kind of pleasure.

"Mmmmmm" came the only answer - telling him that his faen was rapidly nearing his own release too.

Suddenly shifting his hands from their position underneath Gulf's thighs, the alpha reached around his chest to hold on to his shoulders, giving himself something to steady his balance and move against. The younger man clung on. Then Mew was pounding into him, really fucking him, as both men's cries filled the room.

"Harder! Argh. Do it harder, Mmmmm!" Gulf was teetering on the brink, coming undone in Mew's arms - his leaking cock pressed up between their glistening, sweaty bodies.

Then, a kink...

"Put your hand around my neck. Please. Ohhhh pleeeease" - his eyes were feral, gleaming, and his body shivering with sensitivity, as his orgasm thundered ever closer.

And Mew did it. He put his strong, veined hand to the throat of his omega, and watched him with hooded eyes, as each of his own deep thrusts became more erratic, less precise, more desperate, until their bodies were shuddering together as they came - the name of the other man falling from their lips as they soared, swooped and glided amongst the shooting stars of a breathtaking mutual high:




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