Chapter 2

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"And it's alright calling out for
somebody to hold tonight.
When you're lost I'll find a way.
I'll be your light. You'll never feel like you're alone.
I'll make this feel like


When Mary had picked some clothes for me, she accompanied me to the bathroom, helping me to change my clothes. I couldn't even look at her, I was so embarrassed.

Of course she noticed that and without thinking about it, she gives me a tight hug stroking all over my back to comfort me. Whenever she hugs me, I feel like I finally arrived somewhere I can call home. It feels so sincere how she hugs me, I wish it could last forever.

By putting her hands on my shoulder she creates a little space between us, she smiles at me. "Don't worry anymore. I'm here. You don't need to be afraid anymore of whatever happened." I smile back at her when she abruptly grabs my hand pulling me with her down the stairs.

For a brief moment I thought I was going to fall down, because she was running so fast. Neither I nor she paid attention to Mason's face as we left the front door.

"You know what?" Mary asks in a good mood seeing me raising my brows as we walk down the street. "That was fucking crazy. He looked so stupid." Her laughter bursts out of her thinking about the incomprehension Mason seemed to have for what just happened.

I can't hold it back anymore. I almost spat when my laugh explodes out of my mouth.

The pain I still feel in my wrists seems to be forgotten. "I have an idea." Mary appears proud of herself. She grins while her eyes sparkle in the most beautiful way eyes can sparkle. "Do you mind if we go out for an ice cream? I mean, the weather is amazing and we need something to brighten up the day and waste more time." She stops in front of me seeming jittery whilst she's waiting for my answer.

"I couldn't think of anything better than that right now! Let's do it." I finally say as I teased her by pretending to think about what I'm going to say, that took me half a minute.

We were on our way to the cafe when she suddenly goes faster just to turn around in front of me and stop. My smile fades as I see her worried face. Confusion spreads across my features.

She takes in a deep breath before she's able to say anything. Her mouth calmly starts moving, trembling out the tones. "Whatever he did to you, I will bury him alive or make sure his life gets ruined piece by piece. He doesn't want to be himself anymore when I'm done with him!" Her voice grew stronger to the end and I was a little terrified by that.

"Don't, Mary." I'm sighing quietly. "It'll only get worse, if he finds out that I told you about it."

"Well, apparently you didn't really. I know nothing about it at all." My hands start to shake as I scream out desperately. "God, Mary, he wanted to rape me. He already got me all tied up on my bed! I couldn't even defend myself. I felt so weak."

My breath becomes heavy and I burst out into tears. Just thinking about it makes me want to disappear. I would be pleased, if the ground just opened to swallow me. I'm ashamed of myself.

The tears obscure my vision. Mary comes closer and lays her hand on my cheek. My whole body flinched from the touch.

I am such a silly, naive, shy and scared girl. How does Mary even deal with a person like me? I would never be able to stand myself.

"Claire, I'm sorry...I shouldn't have pushed it that far." As I hear her voice, I try to calm myself down.

It's just Mary. It's just Mary. It's just Mary.
She won't hurt me. She would never.

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