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◐∇ And the stars twinkle his eyeswhen the sun itself warm his smile

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◐∇ And the stars
twinkle his eyes
when the sun itself
warm his smile. ◐∇


The classroom was my salvation. 

Once a bustle of chatter and flowing of friends, the classroom had become a steady stream of water, to throw each of the students at their constituent spots, holding the thick air of cinnamon perfume that was able to pervade throughout and already the room was mostly full.

A smile spreading over my face as it belonged there. 

"Attention students!"

Mrs. Leighton's loud, sheer voice broke out into the classroom, gaining my attention as my head snapped up, adjusting my eyes properly at the front at once. 

Mrs. Leighton was a woman in her mid-30s who usually came to school with dark red lipstick painted on her lips. Her shoulder-length curly blue-black hair firstly reflected her charming elegance until you found her teaching in the classroom. The way her eyes dangerously pointed over every student present in the classroom, just on the second sight her all elegance is washed away with ill-humor filled with nasty. 

Beyond everything, she taught her subject very well. 

Walking in here blown something exciting through my brain. My mind was able to function properly, the oneness in my insides gradually fades away as my strides grew longer, striking the learning ability to overcome my fears, and I was able to learn, explore, and be with friends who actually understood me.

Somehow, I never seemed to really care about my differences, those which caught me being weird in front of other people's visions.

"Before we begin a new topic, could anyone tell me what actually Life Processes are?" 

Jessica Parker. One of the popular nerds. Large glasses set on her face and her waist-length golden blonde hair made her prominent throughout the entire school. 

She decided to answer the question when the teacher offered a small nod at her raised hand, "The basic functions performed by living organisms to maintain their life on earth are called life processes or activities of life,"

"Anyone else can explain the biological meaning of life?" She questioned, strolling around the vacant place among numerous rows.

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