Part 2

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"Ali I am right here little one" he says as he was looking at her number on the screen

Logan got back and he saw Jeopardy laying on the floor

"Oh my god Jeopardy" he says as he was going to page a nurse to see if she was okay

Logan was scared for both girls cause Jeopardy had to get stitches right now and she had to go to a private room right now to be monitored if she was going to harm herself more after this episode

"Might as well go home and get some sleep and be back to see both girls" he says as he was leaving the hospital to go home right now and get a shower, sleep, get something to eat and be back

Logan was thinking how his life was going to change once both girls were home, and they were going to be getting settled in finally

"I hope I can be the best dad out there for the both of them" he says as he got in his car and was going to go home

Logan was going to get some food and eat supper at home before he showered and went to bed cause he might get a call from the hospital for both girls and or one of the girls

(Logan's house)

"Time to eat and then see what rooms will work for the girl's rooms and showered and maybe relax" he says as he was going to eat his meal that night

Logan kept calling the hospital to check on the girls cause he was really worried about them right now, and he knew Allie was going to be in surgery for a little bit then she was going to be moved to recovery to recover from this ordeal then she was going to be coming home to stay. Jeopardy was going to be in longer then Allie cause they want to monitor her as well to see if she was going to do anymore self-harm to herself right now

"Allie's surgery is about done I'll see her on the morning" he says after he had called the hospital to check on her surgery right now

Logan found the perfect rooms for the girls do they were away from each other but close to daddy, if necessary, right now, and the countdown was on for them to come home and get them settled as well cause Jeopardy was going to be a special case cause of her mom getting murdered in front of her. Logan decorated the rooms for the girls, so their rooms were special to them, and he gave Ali a bassinet cause she was really little, and could not sleep in a crib quite yet, and Jeopardy got a big girl bed with a railing just in case she needed it, and he got the girls blackout curtains for their room, so they could sleep better as well once they came home from the hospital cause the sunlight might be too bright for them and they might not like it cause this was going to be a big adjustment for them as well

(Weeks later)

Jeopardy was allowed to come home from the hospital and Ali was going to follow in the coming days cause the hospital wanted to monitor her for infection cause she was hit close to her major organs when the bullet hit her, and they wanted to see if it did any damage to her muscle tissue as well cause that was going to be bad too for her development later in life

"I can't wait to bring her home and get her settled" Logan says as he heads to the hospital to get jeopardy and bring her home cause that was a big day for him cause he got to be with her one on one as she recovers from this dreadful nightmare

Logan started the paperwork to adopt both girls, and they were going to do video hearings cause of the virus that was going around the globe, and he could not wait to hear if the girls were going to be his daughters eventually and he gets to watch them grow up

"Okay I got her car seat facing the right way, and she is not close to Ali" he says as he was looking in the backseat of his car where the car seats were

Logan had her suitcase packed with her outfit that she was going to wear when she came home from the hospital, and he was ready to get her and bring her to her new home


Logan parked and he got the suitcase and he headed in to get her and bring her home to stay cause she was going to be his little girl

"I hope I remember her room" he says as he heads up to her room

Logan decided to stop at the information desk and see if her room was still the same number from last time and it wasn't they changed it on him, and she was in a new room right now and Allie was still in her room which was a good thing right now cause she was going to be following her sister eventually when it was time to come home from the hospital and he was incredibly happy about that

"Okay thank you" he says as he heads up to Jeopardy's room to see her and get her ready to come home since she was getting released that day, and he starts the process of getting the girls settled in for their new lives with him as their dad

Logan picked up some flowers for Jeopardy cause he wanted to give her something before she got released


"Hey sweetheart daddy got you some flowers, for you cause you are a special little lady" he says as he put them close to her

Jeopardy didn't want to smell or see them at all

"Daddy is going to bring them home for you, and put them some place in your room cause you are a special little lady, and don't you forget that" he tells her as he was going to get her ready 

Jeopardy looked at the flowers closely after a while and she saw that Logan got her a certain flower

"Daddy got you roses as your first flower" he says to her as he got her a rose, so she could feel the rose and smell the rose as well

Logan gave her a red rose and she held onto it for dear life, and she did not want to put that rose down at all she put it down as he put her shirt on her, so she was out of her hospital gown when the time came for her to get released 

"Okay all i have to do is wait for the paperwork to come through so you can leave here, and you can come home" he says as he was going to hold her as he waited for the nurse to come with her discharge papers so she could go home

Jeopardy loved her roses a lot

"I think you are going to be the one that loves roses, and I am okay with that" he says as he was still holding her as they waited 

Soon the nurse comes in with the discharge papers for Jeopardy 

"Here we go angel now to take you home and get you settled" he says as he was going to put her in her wagon cause he wanted her to feel special, so he changed it out instead of using the stroller for her 

Jeopardy loved being in the wagon as they left the hospital and go down to where Logan was parked as well 

(Parking garage)

"Here we are love daddy's car" he says as he parks the wagon next to the car 

Logan buckled Jeopardy in and got the wagon loaded as well 

"Here we go" he says as he looks at her as they left the hospital        

Happy Memorial Day

more is coming when views are up like next week maybe for sure depends on how i work and everything

More will come when I'm not at the one store and got to be back at the other store early in the morning

next week 4 sure 

Part 3 is up 

A glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel wattys 2023Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang